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Making Difficult Choices Myth 31: I Don’t Have to Make the Difficult Choices[article]

"Don't bring me problems; bring me solutions." Sound familiar? Sounds like a management cop out to Johanna Rothman. A primary purpose of managers is to help their teams perform to the best of their abilities, and that includes stepping up and making tough decisions to help solve problems.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Hopeless Projects The Advantages of Hopeless Projects[article]

Team members involved in hopeless projects become dejected, stressed, and overworked. Are there any silver linings to working on a doomed project? This article argues that there are. When you and your teammates are stretched to your limits, you can learn a lot about each other, your managers, and what it takes to make a successful product.

Maryna Kaliada's picture Maryna Kaliada
Jeffery Payne discusses security testing in the mobile age The Importance of Security Testing in the Mobile Age: An Interview with Jeffery Payne[interview]

Coveros CEO Jeff Payne goes into detail about his upcoming STARWEST 2014 tutorial, the importance of software testing in the mobile age, the most common types of breaches, and how he would have handled the recent security issues that Twitter encountered. 

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Automation is Not God Automation Test Suites Are Not God![article]

In today’s age of tight deadlines and accelerating delivery cycles of software, test automation is surely favorable for the world of functional testing and critical to the success of big software development companies. But its various benefits have led to unrealistic expectations from managers and organizations. This article highlights the role and use of automation in an agile context and the irreplaceable importance of manual testing.

Nishi Grover's picture Nishi Grover
Why Am I Always Getting Bad News in the Eleventh Hour?[magazine]

This article is a departure from previous columns. Kenton and Ryan role play the stress and friction between a typical product manager and an engineering team lead. This article may make you squirm, but it brings out the issues of teams attempting to do the best thing from completely different perspectives.

Kenton Bohn's picture Kenton Bohn Ryan McClish
Effective Prioritizing Prioritizing Effectively as a Team[article]

If you’ve ever worked on a development project, you know you can never be that sure that everything will be completed on deadline. By prioritizing actively, you can change success from something binary—either we make it or we don’t—into something more gradual. By doing this, you increase the chance of succeeding in delivering something. If you prioritize really well, that something may even turn out to be far more valuable than anything you penned down in your initial plan.

Tobias Fors's picture Tobias Fors
Jeff Nielsen talks about the importance of trust in agile The Importance of Trust in Agile: An Interview with Jeff Nielsen[interview]

In this interview, Jeff Nielsen, the senior vice president of engineering at 3Pillar Global, tells us about the key qualities of an effective agile team, the importance of trust in agile teams and how to establish it, and even some of the hot topics of programming today.

My Team Is Agile, but My Organization Is Not! What Can I Do?[magazine]

In this FAQ column, Sanjiv Augustine advises how to upgrade your organization's portfolio management by addressing inefficient, outdated, and value-killing portfolio management processes.

Sanjiv Augustine's picture Sanjiv Augustine
Alex Papadimoulis talks about his agile card game, Release! Make Agile Fun Again with Release!: An Interview with Alex Papadimoulis[interview]

Alex Papadimoulis, the creator of Release!, an agile-based card game, sat down to talk about how gaming can strengthen a company's work culture and bring teams together, how Release! features industry practitioners and thought leaders, and the best conference swag he has ever gotten. 

Video: Delivering Velocity and Quality for the New Style of Application Delivery[presentation]

Do you want to deliver high performance applications with unprecedented velocity and uncompromising quality?  Join HP Experts, Silvia Siqueira, Michael Cooper, and Shane Evans for an informative discussion about HP’s recent innovations in testing and quality assurance to make...

Michael Cooper, HP, Silvia Siqueira, HP, and Shane Evans, HP
Management Value Management Myth 30: I Am More Valuable than Other People[article]

Just because you have a fancy job title doesn't mean you can manage your team members by bossing them around. Servant leadership is an important skill for managers, as the best managers are those who serve the people who work for them.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Video: Service Virtualization: Speed Up Delivery and Improve Quality[presentation]

“We could not test this because…” Every technology professional has experienced issues during system testing when unit testing was overlooked or cut short. Every project team has hit roadblocks during system testing when dependent systems or complicated data have been unavailable. Service...

Anne Hungate, Independent Consultant
Video: Beyond the Web and Apps: The Domestication of Knowledge[presentation]

Since the dawn of computing, we've invented only two ways to get work done―the web or apps. We hunt for information on the web or we gather functionality from the app store. In each case, users must take the initiative to find the information they need...

James Whittaker, Microsoft
Video: The Mismeasure of Software: The Last Metrics Talk You'll Ever Need to Hear[presentation]

The Mismeasure of Software: The Last Metrics Talk You'll Ever Need to Hear Lee Copeland claims that most organizations have some kind of metrics program—and almost all are ineffective. After explaining the concept of measurement, Lee describes two key reasons for these almost universal...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Video: Driving Lean Innovation on Agile Teams[presentation]

The Lean Startup® methodology has taken the business world by storm and is revolutionizing product development through the application of a Build-Measure-Learn cycle, and the systematic application of techniques such as Customer Discovery, Customer Development, and Pirate Metrics. With...

Sanjiv Augustine, LitheSpeed


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