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Twelve Tips for Becoming a More Professional Tester[presentation]

Many testers feel that their organizations do not treat them with the same level of  professionalism and respect that their development peers receive. Testers attribute this to the...

Joel Montvelisky, PractiTest
Video: The Challenges of BIG Testing: Automation, Virtualization, Outsourcing, and More[presentation]

Large-scale and complex testing projects can stress the testing and automation practices we have learned through the years, resulting in less than optimal outcomes. However, a number of...

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear
Testing in the Wild: Practices for Testing Beyond the Lab[presentation]

The stakes in the mobile app marketplace are very high, with thousands of apps vying for the limited space on users’ mobile devices. Organizations must ensure that their apps work as...

Matt Johnston, Applause
Accelerate Testing in Agile through a Shared Business Domain Language[presentation]

In agile projects, when the cycle from ideas to production shortens from months to hours, each software development activity—including testing—is impacted. Reaching this level of...

Laurent Py, Smartesting
Test Management for Busy People[presentation]

In today's fast-paced IT world we are often told to deliver higher quality systems to our customers under challenging time schedules, with fewer resources, and reduced budgets. As test...

Lloyd Roden, Lloyd Roden Consultancy
Top Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation[presentation]

Mobile apps bring a new set of challenges to testing—fast-paced development cycles with multiple releases per week, multiple app technologies and development platforms to support...

Fred Beringer, SOASTA
STAREAST 2014: Risk-Based Testing for Agile Projects[presentation]

Many projects implicitly use some kind of risk-based approach for prioritizing testing activities. However, critical testing decisions should be based on a product risk assessment...

Erik van Veenendaal, Improve Quality IT Services BV
Role of Testing in Dev-Ops: Your Part in Driving Superior Customer Experience[presentation]

The ability to offer superior end customer experience in real time has become an imperative for businesses today. Continuous testing, integration, delivery approaches executed by closely knit development-testing-operations (Dev-Ops) team can make a...

Tom Edwards, Nielsen, and Mathew Varughese, TCS Assurance Services
Patterns of Automation: Simplify Your Test Code[presentation]

Many organizations are introducing test automation only to discover it is more difficult than they anticipated. The fact is that good test automation requires good coding practices...

Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan, LeanDog
Principles Before Practices: Transform Your Testing by Understanding Key Concepts[presentation]

It’s one thing to be exposed to new techniques from conferences and training courses, but it’s quite another thing to apply them in real life. A major reason is that people tend to...

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services, Inc.
Mobile Testing in the Cloud[presentation]

Today, organizations are rapidly deploying mobile versions of their customer-facing and internal applications. With the prevalence of more agile-based approaches and the challenge of an...

Rachel Obstler, Keynote DeviceAnywhere
Test Process Improvement in Agile[presentation]

Current Test Process Improvement (TPI) models have proven to be a mismatch when used to assess testing in an agile context, since it is significantly more difficult to describe how to...

Jeroen Mengerink, Polteq
Video: Continuous Testing through Service Virtualization[presentation]

The demand to accelerate software delivery and for teams to continuously test and release high quality software sooner has never been greater. However, whether your release strategy is...

Allan Wagner, IBM
Implementing Testing for Behavior-Driven Development Using Cucumber[presentation]

With the behavior-driven development (BDD) methodology, development teams write high level, plain natural language tests to describe and exercise a system. Unfortunately, it is...

Max Saperstone, Coveros
Adopting and Implementing the Right Mobile Testing Strategy[presentation]

With the expansion of mobile platforms, software development and testing services have expanded also. A wide variety of applications are entering the consumer world as native, mobile...

PRabhu Meruga, CSS Corp


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