problem solving


Person solving a Rubik's cube Eliminate Fake Certainty and Solve the Real Problem

Too often, customers have a “fake certainty” about the problems they want to solve. They might not have defined the real problem, but they have frequently defined the solution anyway. The risk is that we might build the wrong thing. When the product owner works with the customers to define the problem, then works with the team to define the solution, everyone can win.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman John Le Drew
mob programming in action Try Mob Programming to Inspire Team Growth

If you're familiar with pair programming, you know how much it can increase code quality and encourage developers to learn from each other. You should try mob programming—the same concept, but with an entire team of up to eight people and only one keyboard. It's a great way to explore new techniques and solve problems as a team.

Mark Richards's picture Mark Richards
Jumpstart Team Efforts Why Teams Stop Improving—and How to Jumpstart Their Efforts

One of the most important features in agile software development is continuous improvement. However, after an initial burst of inspiration and productivity, teams may stop improving because they believe there are no issues left to address or the issues are too difficult to solve. People need to switch their mental models to keep addressing processes efficiently.

Aleksander Brancewicz's picture Aleksander Brancewicz
How to Inspect and Adapt Why Agile Teams Need to Know How to Inspect and Adapt

“Inspect and adapt” is one of the key agile practices, but not all agile teams perform it well. Here, Raja Bavani has a new spin on an old idea. Let’s learn with Raja as he explains his secret sauce.

Raja Bavani's picture Raja Bavani

Better Software Magazine Articles

Solve the Real Problem: A Formula for Sustainable Solutions

There is more to software development problem solving than processes and tools. Discover a way to get to the heart of a problem with none of the hacks, shortcuts, and workarounds that have become the industry norm.

Tim Beck

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