What Do They Pay You to Do? Don't assume that because you have a title or a job description that you can take either one as literal truth. Do you really know what your company pays you to do? Understanding why you were hired can help you assess whether your company's expectations are a match with the personal mission that motivates you. |
Facing Up to the Truth Technical Editor Esther Derby uses examples to show that our ability to "face the truth" and take effective action rests on the ability to be in a mental state where our emotions and fears aren't in control. |
Testing Applications on the Web: Test Planning for Internet-Based Systems Danny Faught recommends Testing Applications on the Web: Test Planning for Internet-Based Systems by Hung Q. Nguyen. Faught concludes: "This book does not attempt to be a general reference on software testing. What it provides, instead, is domain-specific information that helps the reader plan for testing a Web-based application. Its clear illustrations of important Web testing approaches and its extensive checklists give testers detailed suggestions for their testing, based on real Web development experiences." |
The Two Bugs Brian Marick applies the philosophical concept of "ready-to-hand" to software programming and describes two bugs that illustrate problems caused by mismatched reuse of ideas. |
Brian Marick
June 26, 2002 |
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Tactical Project Management at a Startup Ulla Merz explains the role of a project manager at a startup company. She addresses topics such as requirements definition and project schedule; project status meetings; and establishing a change control board. |
Ulla Merz
June 26, 2002 |
A Look at TestTrack Pro by Seapine Software Michele Rigney finds that Seapine's TestTrack Pro has added value to her company's products by providing a centralized system that captures the wants and needs of clients. Issues are tracked from initial report through resolution and release, and all the steps along the way are documented. |
Michele D. Rigney
June 26, 2002 |
Finding a Mentor Perhaps you've just changed careers and are looking for a leg up in your new chosen field. Perhaps you're an old pro wondering how to take your career to the next level. No matter how long you've been doing what you do, it's always good to have someone by your side to help move your career forward–a mentor. Elisabeth Hendrickson describes what qualities to look for in a mentor. |
Asking the Right Questions and Asking Them Right Naomi Karten shares how to ask the questions that ensure you and your customer are on the same page. Her tips include: 1) guard against conflicting interpretations; 2) don't jump to conclusions; 3) gather feedback early and often; 4) examine your rules for commenting; 5) conduct congruent questioning; and 6) find out what's important to your customers. |
Why Testers Should Participate in Early Reviews Do testers really belong in early reviews? For Michael Dedolph, the answer is yes! For that matter, he thinks more installers should be involved as well. Why? Testers and installers are usually involved in the "end game," so they add value by bringing that very different point of view to the review process. |
F. Michael Dedolph
June 26, 2002 |
Confessions of a Lapsed Academic After almost twenty-five years as a professor, Elaine Weyuker left academia for full-time work at AT&T. Here, she shares how industry and academia can both benefit from collaborating. |
Elaine J. Weyuker
June 26, 2002 |
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