agile transition


Team Values What Are Your Team's Velocity Values?

For any agile-based operation, you can introduce the concept of "velocity values." Depending on the organizational culture, these values may come as monetary rewards, recognition, or other incentives. This can go a long way toward helping management understand how their respective teams work and can provide great insight into mentoring at both the individual and team levels.

Eric  King's picture Eric King
World Cup and Agile What the World Cup and Agile Development Have in Common

There are a surprising number of similarities between successful World Cup and agile teams. Both must be diligent in four areas in order to reach their “goals.” This article explores the parallels between the two for selecting the team, getting up to speed, consistency, and game plans.

Michael Rosenbaum's picture Michael Rosenbaum
Agile Helped Cooperation An Experience Where Agile Approaches Helped

This article addresses a process where a team moved from a traditional waterfall model to using agile elements in order to deliver a product to a government agency. It talks about typical problems that come up in a transition to agile, complications from distributed teams, and the advantages and disadvantages of the process for government or nongovernment clients.

Yamini Munipalli's picture Yamini Munipalli
Growth of Agile How Agile Is Growing as It Goes into Its Teenage Years

Agile is growing up and is now officially a teenager. It has moved from being a somewhat rumbustious child with some overzealous followers and a skeptical management crowd to something that is generally accepted by the mainstream IT community and particular management. Has the agile community lost something? Are the founding members and early practitioners evolving the practice? Is this good? Well, the answers are yes, yes, and maybe.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Jeff Nielsen talks about the importance of trust in agile The Importance of Trust in Agile: An Interview with Jeff Nielsen

In this interview, Jeff Nielsen, the senior vice president of engineering at 3Pillar Global, tells us about the key qualities of an effective agile team, the importance of trust in agile teams and how to establish it, and even some of the hot topics of programming today.

My Team Is Agile, but My Organization Is Not! What Can I Do?

In this FAQ column, Sanjiv Augustine advises how to upgrade your organization's portfolio management by addressing inefficient, outdated, and value-killing portfolio management processes.

Sanjiv Augustine's picture Sanjiv Augustine
Video: An Agile Throwdown: Munich Takes on the Columbus Agile Benchmark Study

Agile has not only gone mainstream, it’s gone global. Data on agile team performance, time-to-market, and quality have emerged in the past decade. In 2012, a group of...

Michael Mah, QSM Associates, Inc.
Video: SAFe: The Scaled Agile Framework

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a popular process for enterprise-wide agile adoption. It is a pre-built framework that describes the individual roles, teams, activities, and artifacts necessary to scale agile from team to enterprise level while providing a cadence for teams to follow...

Jared Richardson, Agile Artisans
What's a Professional?

For years we've all heard how software development and IT are a mixture of art and science. As our industry matures and becomes more mainstream, Johanna wants to upset the apple cart by suggesting that there's a  missing and sorely needed ingredient—professionalism.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Jay McFarling and Danielle Roecker talk about making mainframe technology agile Make Your Mainframe Systems and Technology More Agile: An Interview with Jay McFarling and Danielle Roecker

Jay and Danielle talk about their presentation at Agile Development and Better Software Conference West 2014, why teams should care about their mainframe systems going agile, the role of legacy tech in an agile world, and some ways that teams can modernize their development practices.


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