agile transition


Software programmer Iris Classon So You Want to Become a Developer? An Interview with Iris Classon

Iris Classon explains her decision to become a software programmer and shares the amazing amount she was able to learn in a very short period of time. Learn how agility played an invaluable role in the process and how you, too, can achieve software success.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
How would you address getting buy-in from other groups with IT (DBA for instance)?

From our recent Agile Meetup with Johanna Rothman.

Sandy Sidhu's picture Sandy Sidhu
Following Agile By the Book Be Truly Nimble Instead of Just Following Agile by the Book

People often ask, “Can we apply agile to fields outside of software?” In this article from Marco Peredo-Saavedra, you can read how a construction project applied agile to its work with Marco as the product owner/customer. Take inspiration, and read his lessons. Then, go apply them!

Marco Peredo-Saavedra's picture Marco Peredo-Saavedra
The Evolution of Agile: Dealing with the Growing Pains

Agile development has evolved into a lifecycle that not only affects the IT department but the overall business as well. Forward-thinking enterprises recognize this and benefit from the software efficiency that agile development delivers. Through real-world examples, Jonathan Thorpe...

Jonathan Thorpe, Serena Software
Transform Your Agile Test Process to Ship Fast with High Quality

Until 2009, the Atlassian JIRA team shipped a major release of its software every nine to twelve months. Everything was tested—every story and every bug fix—and everything still contained serious bugs. Story development moved quickly, but after the feature-complete date, several...

Penny Wyatt, Atlassian
Keynote: Know the Way, Show the Way, Go the Way: Scaling Agile Development

Tired of the claims that Scrum, XP, and kanban don’t scale beyond a few teams? Overwhelmed by management’s resistance to the organizational changes needed to really follow agile principles? Concerned with the lack of proven practices required to scale agile methods to the next level?

Dean Leffingwell, Leffingwell LLC
Keynote: Know the Way, Show the Way, Go the Way: Scaling Agile Development

Tired of the claims that Scrum, XP, and kanban don’t scale beyond a few teams? Overwhelmed by management’s resistance to the organizational changes needed to really follow agile principles? Concerned with the lack of proven practices required to scale agile methods to the next level?

Dean Leffingwell, Leffingwell, LLC
Keynote: Magnificence: Culture Hacking, the Common Platform, and the Coming Golden Era

A culture is the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that both describes and shapes a group. The unique challenges of creating software have demanded totally new types...

Jim McCarthy, McCarthy Technologies Inc.
The Five Facets of an Agile Organization

Is agile—or lean, kanban, lean startup, etc.—starting to follow the path of other management buzzwords in your organization? Is it losing steam, now resembling only a minor change from the old ways? Have you compromised to "make agile work in our organization?” 

George Schlitz, BigVisible Solutions
Governing Agile Teams: Disciplined Strategies to Increase Agile Effectiveness

Many organizations have successfully adopted agile on a subset of their projects, while, at the same time, struggled to do so across entire departments. A common challenge is the need to overhaul the IT governance strategy so that it will work with agile teams. This is a serious issue for...

Scott Ambler, Scott W. Ambler + Associates


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