JavaScript for Test-Driven Development: An Interview with Rob Myers
Agile Institute founder Rob Myers sits down with Noel Wurst to discuss why he believes, and hopes, that JavaScript will be the language of choice for enterprise development. Rob shares with us why opinions on JavaScript have change, and why the language is a great fit for agile development.
Why the BA Is Essential to Agile Development: An Interview with Steve Adolph
Steve Adolph explains why the BA's role on an agile project cannot be overvalued, due to their immense communication and collaboration skills. Steve describes the best BAs as "boundary spanners" who know the importance of keeping everyone sitting together, and most importantly—talking.
Six Steps for Implementing Agile across the Organization After facing difficulties attempting to transform a group of twelve skilled people into a self-organized agile team, Ove Holmberg learned some valuable lessons on what it takes to implement agile within an organization. In this article, Ove presents six steps for a successful agile implementation.
Enterprise Agility vs. Lean Delivery: An Interview with Mik Kersten Mik Kersten recently sat down with us to discuss the challenges and the benefits that adopting lean's principles brings to projects of all sizes. While challenges will vary due to the size of the enterprises lean is being applied to, the goals—and hopefully the outcomes—remain the same.
Is it recommended or discouraged to have a QC member split between 2 agile teams? I'm interested to know of other projects where this situation has come up. Would you recommend this? Or should each team have only one QC tester?
Why Agile Works: Focus on the Details of Software Development It's easy to overlook details when your focus is on the big picture. But, if you adjust your perspective, you may find new value in understanding why things work the way they do. Learn why agile works and how it can apply to both complex and simple projects.
Tackling Challenges with Agile Teamwork: An Interview with Janet Gregory Janet Gregory shared with us some of the wisdom she's gained through her decade of experience with building strong agile teams. After defining "agile testing" we discussed how to ensure it succeeds. Janet is giving two sessions at the 2013 STARCANADA conference in Toronto on April 9 and 10.
Does anyone have a link to Charles Suscheck's article on the Productivity Comparison of Kanban and Scrum? It used to be on this site but it seems to have been taken down.
Scaling Agile at Dell: Real-life Problems - and Solutions
The transition from waterfall-based software development to an agile, iterative model carries with it well-known challenges and problems-entrenched cultures, skill gaps, and organizational change management. For a large, globally distributed software development organization, an entirely different set of practical challenges comes with scaling agile practices. Last year the Dell Enterprise Solutions Group applied agile practices to more than forty projects ranging from a collocated single team project to projects that consisted of fifteen Scrum teams located across the US and India. Geoff Meyer and Brian Plunkett explain how Dell mined these real-life projects for their empirical value and adapted their agile practices into a flexible planning model that addresses the project complexities of staffing, scale, interdependency, and waterfall intersection.
Geoffrey Meyer, Dell Inc. l Enterprise Product Group
Doing Agile in a Waterfall World? Without Breaking Your Neck
Although many of us want to use only agile practices, we often work alongside teams with strong waterfall traditions. If you’ve had trouble finding ways for your agile ideas to co-exist peacefully with traditional lifecycles, this session is for you. Jared Richardson describes key integration points between waterfall and agile teams, and demonstrates the best ways to work together-or to perform clean hand-offs, if necessary. He shows how to use adaptive planning while still providing accurate progress status to traditional PMO counterparts. Jared reviews popular agile practices and discusses how they best function in a hybrid environment. Together, you and Jared will build a common vocabulary, examine two project models-one traditional and one agile, and then combine them in a hybrid that keeps the best of both worlds.
Jared Richardson, RoleModel Software