
Conference Presentations

The Roots of Agility

What we mean by Agile is becoming less and less clear. Rob Myers shares sixteen years of history and observation, noting the amazingly diverse ideologies and...

Rob Myers
Avoiding Over Design and Under Design

The question of how much design to do up-front on a project is an engaging conundrum. Too much design often results in excess complexity and wasted effort. Too little design results in a poor architecture or insufficient system structures which require expensive rework and hurt more in the...

Al Shalloway, Net Objectives
Software Managers: Their Place in Agile

No more managers! No more hierarchy! A truly self organizing, self-running team! These phrases strike fear into managers almost as much as: We are moving to agile. As successful companies like Zappos, GitHub, and Treehouse discard managers from their teams, other software...

Brian Sobus, Teradata
Simplify Project and Portfolio Planning with “Real Options”

Do you work in an organization that spends too much time budgeting, road mapping, and planning their project roadmap or portfolio? Do you ever feel like all this effort is pointless and wasteful? Do you think perhaps there might be a simpler, more pragmatic way? If so, this session is for...

Matt Barcomb, DevJam, and David Hussman, DevJam
Product Management: Optimizing the What to Develop

Most organizations struggle with the processes that define what software they should develop, when to do it, and how it will evolve over time—all parts of the product management role and activities. Because repeatable processes have not been established and organizations cope with...

Ernani Ferrari, Mondo Strategies
Making Agile Work—with Eleven Product Owners

Small companies that have been highly successful delivering software often struggle as they grow larger and their software needs to grow with them. They must learn to manage multiple technology platforms and multiple releases while dealing with the associated roadmaps and...

Neal Huffman, Apex Capital Corp.
Transforming How We Deliver Value: Agility at Scale

Continuous delivery in software development allows us to deliver incrementally, get quick feedback, and react. A key enabler is the adoption of agile techniques and methods; key inhibitors in the enterprise are size, scale, and complexity. The Rational ALM organization is a typical...

Amy Silberbauer, IBM
Develop a Defect Prevention Strategy—or Else!

Defects occurring throughout the development of a software project penalize the project. The effort spent remediating these defects robs the project team of valuable time, resources, and money that could otherwise be used for further innovation and delivering the highest possible quality...

Scott Aziz, Cognizant
Dealing with Auditors: Helping Them Understand Agile

It is widely understood that agile mitigates project execution risks. However, auditors and regulators unfamiliar with the agile process often reject it as non-compliant. In regulated industries, organizations seeking to adopt agile are often challenged to provide evidence that...

Steve Nunziata, Independent Consultant
Crafting Smaller User Stories: Examples and Exercises

Agile development techniques generally emphasize frequent iterations. But even after adopting agile values, methods, and ceremonies, many organizations struggle to make such iterations work in practice. These organizations inevitably wrestle with agile rhythms until they learn to break up...

Stephen Frein, Comcast


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