
Better Software Magazine Articles

Bringing Quality into DevOps

DevOps is represented by a set of principles and practices that help improve communication and collaboration between development and operations. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs have put together a great introduction showing how quality assurance needs to commence at the very start of a DevOps project.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Mob Programming Getting Started with Mob Programming

Mob programming is a software development approach where the whole team works on the same thing at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer. Collaborating like this can have great benefits for everyone involved. Here, Woody Zuill details some practices his team uses to make this collaboration work for them.

Woody Zuill's picture Woody Zuill
Monetization 2.0: The Evolution of Software Licensing

The cloud and the rapid migration to mobile devices and the Internet of Things have made traditional software licensing schemes obsolete. Omkar describes new software monetization based on business, pricing models, and usage.

Omkarnath Munipalle's picture Omkarnath Munipalle
Which is the best FREE Scrum Book?

There are many paid resources out there but I do not feel it is always necessary to pay.  The scrum guide is good but short.  This one I can recommend:


What are your thoughts?

Paul VII's picture Paul VII
Jared Richardson discusses acceptance test-driven development and agile communication Acceptance Test-Driven Development and Communication in Agile: An Interview with Jared Richardson

In this interview, principal consultant and Agile Artisans founder, Jared Richardson, explains how misunderstanding requirements can cause major issues within an organization. He covers why team members need to communicate, how big projects are often mishandled, and the value of agile.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
How Does Security Testing Fit in My QA Process?

Alan Crouch addresses the question most commonly raised by those who are new to security testing: "How does security testing fit in my QA process?" Alan explains that security testing shouldn't be limited to the QA process, but instead should be applied throughout the entire software development lifecycle. Read this FAQ column for suggestions on how to improve your chances for success in catching security issues.

Alan Crouch's picture Alan Crouch
Don't Shoot Agile in the Foot How to Plan and Execute Programs without Shooting Agile in the Foot

Program planners in IT organizations have a dilemma: On one hand, their agile teams tell them that if requirements are defined up front, agile teams cannot operate; but on the other hand, the program’s budget and scope need to be defined so that resources can be allocated and contracts can be written for the work. How does one reconcile these conflicting demands?

Clifford Berg's picture Clifford Berg
How Can You Get More Effective with DevOps?

By emphasizing better communication and collaboration between software development and IT, this article explores ways to establish trust by focusing on customer value. For example, Manoj Khanna suggests continuous integration and validation as techniques that helps build that trust.

Manoj Khanna's picture Manoj Khanna
Does iteratively adding features in each agile 'sprint' mean constant refactoring and rewriting achieve robust design patterns?

Unless I've misunderstood the principle, agile sprints are about layering on features until you arrive at some final release.  

But software can become unwieldy complex and choosing the right data structures and class patterns, for the application, is crucial - isn't it?  

So, how can you decide on the right data structures and classes and patterns, at the very beginning of the process, if in the first sprint, you are only dealing with a few of the overall application features?

Do you continually refactor and re-write as new feature-information is presented? Or is there some overall application design architecture happening up-front?

BTW, I'm not a formally-trained computer scientist, or software developer.

Richard de Garis's picture Richard de Garis
Process Frameworks, Not Fixed Processes

The software development field has been consumed with process management ranging from inflexible, predictive waterfall all the way to self-governing, adaptable agile approaches. You probably already utilize a specific process methodology on your projects, but have you considered adopting an evolutionary learning cycle process framework instead?

Ryan Olivett's picture Ryan Olivett Bob Payne


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