
Better Software Magazine Articles

Wearable Computing Reaches New Heights

With mobile and small embedded devices extending the reach of modern computing, the predictions are that wearable computing is definitely the next biggest thing. If you want to know more about the wearable device  revolution, Mukesh presents facts that will convince you this is the next hottest trend.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
Explosion of Mobile and The Internet of Everything

Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker highlights the contents of the July/August issue with two articles featuring mobile and wearable intelligent devices and the challenges they present to typical software development.  Ken also provides information on ordering a print copy of Better Software.

Ken Whitaker's picture Ken Whitaker
Hopeless Projects The Advantages of Hopeless Projects

Team members involved in hopeless projects become dejected, stressed, and overworked. Are there any silver linings to working on a doomed project? This article argues that there are. When you and your teammates are stretched to your limits, you can learn a lot about each other, your managers, and what it takes to make a successful product.

Maryna Kaliada's picture Maryna Kaliada
Video: Beyond the Web and Apps: The Domestication of Knowledge

Since the dawn of computing, we've invented only two ways to get work done―the web or apps. We hunt for information on the web or we gather functionality from the app store. In each case, users must take the initiative to find the information they need...

James Whittaker, Microsoft
Video: Producing Product Developers

Many teams and organizations have found agile methods help them produce more. Where critical thinking is alive, a more important question arises: Are we producing the right thing? Even though agile tools and processes have helped produce more, they often fail to help us produce the right...

David Hussman, DevJam
Video: See the Value: Focus on Delivering the Right Software

Many agile teams focus solely on velocity as their measure of progress. They draw burn-up charts to track it over time and make it the focus of much of their discussion during sprint planning and retrospectives. Is the strong focus on this metric truly in line with the principles of...

Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan, LeanDog and Ardita Karaj, EPAM
What's a Professional?

For years we've all heard how software development and IT are a mixture of art and science. As our industry matures and becomes more mainstream, Johanna wants to upset the apple cart by suggesting that there's a  missing and sorely needed ingredient—professionalism.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Developing Custom Apps for the Cloud

With the cloud providing tremendous freedom like instant deployment of updates, you're definitely going to have to adjust how you develop and deploy apps. Pete and Matt have created a list of things you need to consider when developing apps for the cloud.

Diane Zajac-Woodie talks about where business analysts fit on agile teams How Agile Helped a Business Analyst Discover Her True Value: An Interview with Diane Zajac-Woodie

Diane Zajac-Woodie sat down to discuss her upcoming presentation at Agile Development and Better Software Conference West 2014, why the business analyst role doesn't get the attention it deserves, how the BA role can make a difference on agile teams, and her alter ego as the Agile Squirrel.

Mark Meretzky talks about creating Android apps in Java Creating Android Apps in Java: An Interview with Mark Meretzky

In this interview, Mark Meretzky talks about his presentation at Agile Development and Better Software Conference West 2014, how he feels about Android versus iOS, his favorite programming language to teach at New York University, and what language he thinks programmers should learn first.


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