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 Assumptions to Model Value (or Not) Using Goals, Objectives, and Assumptions to Model Value (or Not)[article]

Kent McDonald writes that identifying objectives and the assumptions underlying them provides you a way to measure whether the result of your project will actually get you closer to what you are trying to accomplish, as well as the impact your various assumptions have on reaching that objective. 

Kent J. McDonald's picture Kent J. McDonald
Can Test Estimation Be à la Carte?[magazine]

In this installment of FAQ, Rob Sabourin discusses the benefits of providing stakeholders a "menu" of past projects to help better estimate their current project's testing needs.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin
Using Agile for Requirements Management Using Agile for Requirements Management[article]

Charuta Phansalkar writes on the necessity of capturing and understanding requirements using agile practices. Agile, when implemented effectively, will ensure that the customer's voice is clearly understood throughout the project, which results in maximum customer satisfaction.

Charuta Phansalkar's picture Charuta Phansalkar
Software developer and tester Regg Struyk Classic Software Testing Is Broken: An Interview with Regg Struyk[interview]

With twenty years of commercial software development and testing experience, Regg Struyk has developed for several software testing tools including test integrity, iTest, and Polarion QA. Regg is continually analyzing testing trends and their potential impact on software testing.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
You Can't Be Just a Manager Anymore[magazine]

It used to be that a project manager did one thing: manage the success of the project. As IT budgets shrink and job responsibilities expand, there is no such thing as a typical project manager role. You're expected to wear many hats, facilitate human resource issues, become a subject matter expert, and assist with key technical activities.

Gunasekaran Veerapillai's picture Gunasekaran Veerapillai
Joe Justice inventor of the Extreme Manufacturing project management method For Maximum Awesome: An Interview with Joe Justice[interview]

Joe Justice is a consultant at Scrum Inc. and inventor of the Extreme Manufacturing project management method. He also is the founder of Team WIKISPEED, an all-Scrum volunteer-based, "green” automotive prototyping company.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Understanding Whole Team Testing[magazine]

Whole team testing makes product quality everyone's business. It can also make people uncomfortable. Matt explains how this new way to approach project quality helps with leading retrospectives, conducting defect analysis, and mitigating project risks.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Test Managers Survival Guide to Going Agile The Test Manager's Survival Guide to Going Agile[article]

Joel Bancroft-Connors presents a survival guide for testers going to agile. Joel explains what happened when he had to make the switch from waterfall to agile. Welcome to the world of being an agile manager, in which your team is a top performer, doing more in the same amount of time as before.

Joel Bancroft-Connors's picture Joel Bancroft-Connors
Pervasive Leadership Can Help You Manage Successful Projects How Pervasive Leadership Can Help You Manage Successful Projects[article]

Jean Richardson shares a story about how the idea of pervasive leadership can help you manage a successful project. In order to practice pervasive leadership, one must change one's mental model of "I" and "thou," act locally and think holistically, and enact empathetic stewardship.

Jean Richardson's picture Jean Richardson
Agile software practitioner and coach Bob Galen Telling Testing Stories and Navigating an Agile Testing Transition: An Interview with Bob Galen[interview]

Bob Galen is an agile methodologist, practitioner, and coach. Bob Galen helps guide companies in their adoption of Scrum and other agile methodologies and practices. He is a certified Scrum coach, certified Scrum product owner, and an active member of the Agile and Scrum Alliances.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Myth 26: It’s Fine to Micromanage Management Myth 26: It’s Fine to Micromanage[article]

Johanna Rothman explains the challenges and pitfalls of micromanagement. Sometimes, managers micromanage when they need information. In that case, it’s easier to create an information radiator rather than have the manager come running to you every thirty minutes.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Feeling Lost in the Woods? Mind Maps Can Help[magazine]

Claire takes us on a nontraditional journey where designing and implementing testing approaches can be rapidly organized into a hierarchy of connected elements. Mind maps, used primarily for visual and conceptual thinking, may be just the answer for quality assurance professionals.

Claire Moss's picture Claire Moss
Designing Scenarios for Agile Stories Designing Scenarios for Agile Stories[article]

The needs to improve the time to market of a quality product and adapt to a changing business environment are driving organizations to adopt agile practices in order to be competitive in the marketplace. However, a project team is bound to face difficulties if it is not trained on the fundamentals of agile. Read on to learn how to design scenarios for agile stories using a structured framework.

Sharath Bhat's picture Sharath Bhat
Reverse Mentoring: Should Younger Workers Be Mentoring Your Executives?[magazine]

What happens when younger knowledge workers, the millennials, bring a new perspective to an organization? Reverse mentoring can dramatically improve employee retention, team collaboration, and the adoption of newer technology.

Lew Sauder's picture Lew Sauder
Agile mentor and coach Tricia Broderick Learn to Empathize When Dealing with Conflict: An Interview with Tricia Broderick[interview]

Tricia Broderick is an agile learning facilitator at Santeon Group and has more than six years of experience focusing on agile principles. In this interview, Tricia talks about conflict resolution, the importance of empathy, and the misalignment between one's perceptions and intentions.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian


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