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Agile Success with Scrum: It’s All about the People[presentation]

Is it possible to be doing everything Scrum says to do and still fail horribly? Unfortunately, the answer is yes—and teams do it every day. To many, Scrum means concentrating on the meetings and artifacts, and making sure the roles all do their jobs. Bob Hartman and Michael Vizdos explore...

Bob Hartman, Agile For All
Contextually-Driven System Architecture Reviews[presentation]

When the World Trade Center collapsed, the telephone switching systems in the basement correctly diagnosed which lines were still working and continued to connect calls for several days using backup power. One factor contributing to this remarkable product reliability was the AT&T/Bell...

Michael Dedolph, Levi Deal Consulting
Make the Cloud Less Cloudy: A Perspective for Software Development Teams[presentation]

With so many technologies branded as “cloud” products, it can be difficult to distinguish good technology from good marketing. The resulting confusion complicates the work of software development teams who are trying not only to architect software effectively but also trying to accelerate...

Bill Wilder, Development Partners Software Corporation
Lessons from Busting Organizational Silos[presentation]

We’ve all heard of the evils that can result from organizational silos—bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and the “us vs. them” mentality. Perhaps you’ve been a victim. As Tricia Broderick repeatedly experienced value from busting individual project team silos, she naturally wanted to expand her...

Tricia Broderick, Santeon Group
Test (and More) Patterns for Continuous Software Delivery[presentation]

Top web companies employ continuous delivery of software to build and deploy systems faster and gain a marked competitive advantage. You can do it, too! Andy Singleton shares the patterns for testing in real time that result in more frequent and more reliable releases. He explains why...

Andy Singleton, Assembla
When Code Cries: Listening to Code[presentation]

What is the best way to learn a new programming language or improve coding skills with the language you already use? Cory Foy has developed a new method for learning—and teaching—new programming languages and improving programmer expertise on their current languages. 

Cory Foy, Cory Foy, LLC
Using Non-Violent Communication Skills for Managing Team Conflict[presentation]

“Going agile” has transformed thousands of workplaces into groups of self-directed teams, more engaged and increasingly more productive. Knowledge workers report increased job satisfaction, strong team identity, and camaraderie. One of the secrets of high performing teams is their ability...

Pat Arcady, FreeStanding Agility
Six Impossible Things before Breakfast[presentation]

Recently we’ve been seeing a lot of things that just don’t happen in real life. A managing director at Bank of America abandons decades of organizational “best practices” and recreates his organization by letting people organize their own teams. And, if that weren’t unusual enough, the...

Dan North, Dan North & Associates, Ltd. & Kyle Thomson, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Power and Empowerment: Understanding the Principles[presentation]

Managers want teams to be empowered but often don’t want to give up their decision-making authority. Teams want to be empowered but may not know how to act on the power they already have. Executives want to drive engagement and action but see only half-hearted compliance. 

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates Inc.
A Mind-Blowing Exploration on How to Make Better Decisions[presentation]

Have you ever watched a medical drama with scenes featuring doctors making split second, life-or-death decisions? As software professional, there may be less at stake when it comes to your decisions, yet you often need to act under time pressure, limited information, and conditions of...

Iain McCowatt, Barclays
Demystifying the Role of Product Owner[presentation]

Have you ever wondered what makes a good Product Owner? It’s a broad and deep role that is often filled with a hodgepodge of differently skilled individuals. Many organizations struggle to understand its importance as they scale their agile transformations. What about exceptional...

Bob Galen, Velocity Partners
Measure Customer and Business Feedback to Drive Improvement[presentation]

Companies often go to great lengths to collect metrics. However, even the most rigorously collected data tends to be ignored, despite the findings and potential for improving practices. Today, one metric that cannot be ignored is customer satisfaction. Customers are more than willing to...

Paul Fratellone, uTest
Lean Startup Tools for Scrum Product Owners[presentation]

In just a few years, the Lean Startup movement has gained influence by promoting a powerful but simple agile product management toolset—one that complements agile software development approaches such as Scrum and kanban. Arlen Bankston explores the tools and techniques product...

Arlen Bankston, LitheSpeed
I Thought YOU Were Flying the Plane: Preventing Projects from Falling Out of the Sky[presentation]

One of the most cherished concepts of the Agile Manifesto is valuing individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Within this idea is the implicit assumption that individuals innately know how to interact. Dramatic lessons from aviation suggest otherwise. During the mid-1960s the...

Steve Adolph, WSA Consulting
Continuous Automated Regression Testing to the Rescue[presentation]

A major concern when developing new software features is that another part of the code will be affected in unexpected ways. With a typical development processes, testers often do not run a full set of product regression tests until late in the release when it is much more costly to fix...

Brenda Kise, Proto Labs Inc.


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