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A New Year, A New Focus[magazine]

In this issue's Editor's Note, Ken Whitaker kicks off the new year with a push to raise awareness of better software and how you can read Better Software anywhere on your mobile device.

Ken Whitaker's picture Ken Whitaker
Building a Solid Scrum Foundation Requires Clear Roles[magazine]

Without clearly defined roles and responsibilities, actions taken by key project stakeholders may result in project misfires. Kyle shows what you should do to avoid the situation when roles are misunderstood, overlapped, or completely missing.

Kyle  Roozen 's picture Kyle Roozen
Agile software development professional André Dhondt How to Prepare for Sprints and Other Agile Techniques: An Interview with André Dhondt[interview]

André Dhondt is an agile coach for Rally Software and has more than a decade's worth of experience working with teams and organizations. In this interview, André discusses how to be prepared for sprints, the idea of speed grooming, and how agile has impacted the role of the tester.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Streamlining Build Processes and Configuration Management Streamlining Build Processes and Configuration Management for Truly Agile Organizations[article]

Technology-driven companies, regardless of size and scale, are facing the increasing need to ship better code faster while meeting business requirements. This requires collaboration and interaction among the traditional information technology infrastructure library (ITIL), information technology service management (ITSM), and development teams for a truly agile organization to emerge.

Rohit Mukherjee's picture Rohit Mukherjee
Have You Used Word’s "Smell-Check" Features? Have You Used Word’s "Smell-Check" Features? [article]

Terry Wiegmann writes about how Microsoft Word's features, like its spelling and grammar checkers, can help one identify agile smells—those signs that something might be wrong. While we may want to minimize documentation and the use of Word, we can mentally use some of Word’s features to sniff out some whiffs of smells.

Terry Wiegmann's picture Terry Wiegmann
Enterprise agile software developer Charles Suscheck On Enterprise-Level Agile and Software Development: An Interview with Dr. Charles Suscheck[interview]

Dr. Charles Suscheck is a nationally recognized agile leader who specializes in agile software development adoption at the enterprise level. In this interview, Charles discusses enterprise-level agile and Scrum, convincing management to take to agile, and what the new year will bring us.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Configuration Management: The Ultimate Conductor in the Product Lifecycle[magazine]

When you think of configuration management, build automation and version control usually come to mind. Dave presents a perspective that shows the important role CM plays in the entire product and project lifecycle.

Dave Lyon's picture Dave Lyon
Introducing the DevOps Database Gap Introducing the DevOps Database Gap[article]

Yaniv Yehuda details how DevOps is a natural evolution within the software industry as it drives business value and enables the organization. This article will describe how database management and the database administrators need to be part of any comprehensive DevOps approach.

Yaniv  Yehuda's picture Yaniv Yehuda
An Architect in the Agile World An Architect in the Agile World[article]

Jonathan Wiggs explains that in 2001, the agile process began to emerge and roles began to change. So, in the modern agile world, is there still room for the architect? If there is, how has that role changed in the last twelve years?

Jonathan  Wiggs's picture Jonathan Wiggs
From Practitioner to Published Author: A Workshop about Writing about Software[presentation]

Beth Romanik and Jonathan Vanian, who write and edit stories for Software Quality Engineering's websites and publications, present a bonus session for Better Software Conference East 2013 about writing about software.

Beth Romanik and Jonathan Vanian, Software Quality Engineering
Internationalization Best Practices for Agile Internationalization Best Practices for Agile Teams[article]

Marcia Rose Sweezey and Stefan Visuri explain two best practices that are defined for agile teams in their organization. Read on to discover how externalizing strings and conducting pseudo-language testing during each iteration and sprint will give you the most payback for the least investment.

Marcia Sweezey's picture Marcia Sweezey Stefan Visuri
Embedded software tester Jon Hagar Why You Need to Do More Than Just Test Requirements: An Interview with Jon Hagar[interview]

Jon Hagar is a systems software engineer with over thirty years of experience. In this interview, Hagar discusses how reviews impact mobile app development and testing, security issues in the mobile and embedded world, and why you need to do more than just test the requirements.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
The Bugs That Deceived Me The Bugs That Deceived Me[article]

Every time we look at the data, we perform an analysis that helps us make decisions—hopefully the right ones. In this article, Gil Zilberfeld describes a few traps where bug data misled him to make bad decisions. These traps are in the data itself, not the tools, and can lead us in the wrong direction.

Gil Zilberfeld's picture Gil Zilberfeld
2013: A Year of Software Development and Testing in Quotes [article]

In this roundup of noteworthy quotes from industry experts interviewed in 2013, read about what constitutes effective agile methods, the year in testing techniques, and why you shouldn't put too much trust in the latest and greatest tools.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Agile coach Howard Deiner Pivoting Organizations to Agile Testing: An Interview with Howard Deiner[interview]

In this interview, independent software consultant Howard Deiner explains how agile testing is different from traditional testing, how to get an organization to try new things, and how the Apollo space program utilized agile techniques.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian


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