The Latest

Things Change (and So Should Processes)[magazine]

Much like the VCRs of yesteryear, our software development processes are not going to last forever. They’ll fall out of favor, while new and stronger concepts replace them. Jonathan Kohl writes about coping with process evolution in the quest to improve software.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
As You Wish[magazine]

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
How to Build a Successful Team: Analysis, Motivation, and Beyond[magazine]

It takes more than just gathering a bunch of skilled testers in a room together to make a great test team. Learn how to analyze individual tester types, motivate your team, and achieve success.

Lloyd Roden
FAQ: Will a Tester Certification Help Me Get a Better Job?[magazine]

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Claire Lohr answers one of the questions students ask her most often.

Claire Lohr's picture Claire Lohr
Can Anyone be a Tester?[magazine]

Testers can come from all walks of life, but can anyone be a tester? It’s time for testers to clean up the craft and regain their respect.

Julie Hurst-Fule's picture Julie Hurst-Fule
Building a Backlog for Legacy System Changes[article]

Kent McDonald writes that teams often assume that they cannot split their changes into small stories because the resulting stories would not provide value. What they fail to realize is that they can split these bigger changes into smaller changes and gain value by showing their stakeholders, getting feedback, and incorporating that feedback in their continued development.

Kent J. McDonald's picture Kent J. McDonald
Not Just a Number: The Real Value of Metrics[magazine]

Metrics can be enormously helpful, but only if they’re used correctly. Abuse them, and they will drive dysfunction. Study the stories behind the data to find the real value.

Joanne Perold's picture Joanne Perold
Agile and CMMI: Yes, They Can Work Together[presentation]

There is a common misconception that agile and CMMI cannot work together. CMMI is viewed as a documentation heavy, slow, process-driven model—the polar opposite of agile principles. The cost of documentation for an appraisal is viewed as another drawback. Join Ed Weller to see why...

Ed Weller, Integrated Productivity Solutions, LLC
Continuous Delivery at[presentation]

Continuous delivery is a practice that enables teams to release code at any time, based on changing business requirements. However, continuous delivery requires a substantial investment in infrastructure and possibly fundamental architectural changes to support the process. 

Seng Lin Shee,
Scaling Your Tests: Continued Change Without Fear[presentation]

Agile teams move faster when cycle times are short and code deployments are frequent. To release often, a robust suite of automated tests is a must-have. Tests are the safety net that enables fearless change. Throughout a software system's lifespan, its test suite grows, evolves, and decays.

Ryan Scott, Rally Software Development
An Interview with Jim McCarthy: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series[presentation]

Committed to covering the latest trends and approaches for anyone investigating or implementing agile development practices, processes, technologies, and leadership principles, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series. 

Jim McCarthy, McCarthy Technologies Inc.
Agile Redefines Global Economics: What Recent Data Reveals[presentation]

Kent Beck, inventor of eXtreme Programming, defined agile success as delivering more useful functionality with fewer defects. Against that definition, early research revealed mixed success. Many organizations did not know how to measure and thus could not have “fact-based” conversations...

Michael Mah, QSM Associates Inc.
Exploding Management Myths[presentation]

We’ve all heard management “nuggets” such as “make people come to you with solutions, nut just problems,” or “training time is wasted time,” or my favorite, “work smarter.” But how are you supposed to do that, especially if you may not have received any management training, or if your gut...

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Find Requirements Defects to Build Better Software[presentation]

Requirements defects are often the source of the majority of all software defects. Discovering and correcting a defect during testing is typically twenty-five times more expensive than correcting it during the requirements definition phase. Identifying and removing defects early in the...

John Terzakis, Intel
An Interview with Dean Leffingwell: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series[presentation]

Committed to covering the latest trends and approaches for anyone investigating or implementing agile development practices, processes, technologies, and leadership principles, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series. 

Dean Leffingwell, Leffingwell LLC


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