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Software Security Goes Mobile[presentation]

Erik Costlow says that, as more and more business is transacted on mobile platforms, securing the applications and data that run on them is a business imperative. Developers and their managers are asked to make key decisions regarding data caching, authorized permissions, authentication...

Erik Costlow, HP Enterprise Security
The Five Facets of an Agile Organization[presentation]

Is agile—or lean, kanban, lean startup, etc.—starting to follow the path of other management buzzwords in your organization? Is it losing steam, now resembling only a minor change from the old ways? Have you compromised to "make agile work in our organization?” 

George Schlitz, BigVisible Solutions
Unlocking Innovation in Your Organization[presentation]

According to a recent study, more than 60 percent of CEOs cite the need to discover innovative ways of managing their organization’s structure, finances, people, and strategies as their top priority. In order to compete in the 21st century, organizations must rethink how they function...

Derek Neighbors, Integrum Technologies
Governing Agile Teams: Disciplined Strategies to Increase Agile Effectiveness[presentation]

Many organizations have successfully adopted agile on a subset of their projects, while, at the same time, struggled to do so across entire departments. A common challenge is the need to overhaul the IT governance strategy so that it will work with agile teams. This is a serious issue for...

Scott Ambler, Scott W. Ambler + Associates
Keynote: Know the Way, Show the Way, Go the Way: Scaling Agile Development[presentation]

Tired of the claims that Scrum, XP, and kanban don’t scale beyond a few teams? Overwhelmed by management’s resistance to the organizational changes needed to really follow agile principles? Concerned with the lack of proven practices required to scale agile methods to the next level?

Dean Leffingwell, Leffingwell, LLC
Implementing Cloud-Based DevOps for Distributed Agile Projects[presentation]

Cloud-based development, delivery, and deployment environments are the future of IT operations. Thomas Stiehm shares the hard-learned lessons of setting up and running cloud-based solutions that implement DevOps for geographically distributed agile projects. Thomas describes...

Thomas Stiehm, Coveros, Inc.
Agile Development Conference West 2013: The Kanban Pizza Game: Maximize Profit by Managing Flow[presentation]

The Kanban Pizza Game is a hands-on simulation designed to teach the core elements of a kanban system—visualize the workflow, limit your work-in-process (WIP), manage flow, make process policies explicit, and improve collaboratively. Join Brad Swanson as the proprietor of your very own...

Brad Swanson, agile42
An Interview with Sanjiv Augustine: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series[presentation]

Committed to covering the latest trends and approaches for anyone investigating or implementing agile development practices, processes, technologies, and leadership principles, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series. 

Sanjiv Augustine, LitheSpeed
Better Software Conference West 2013: You Said What? Becoming Aware of the Things We Say[presentation]

Most of us take language for granted. We use words without thinking about how they may affect others and then are surprised at the reaction we get. Learn the importance of language in building and maintaining high performing agile teams. Become more aware of the words you choose and...

Steven “Doc” List, Santeon Group
Building Hyperproductive Agile Teams: Leveraging What Science Knows[presentation]

The key impediments that prevent many organizations from ever realizing the promise of agile and lean aren’t rooted in processes or tools. The impediments stem from the organization’s leaders. Sharing an interdisciplinary overview of the most compelling science and research in the...

Michael DePaoli, cPrime
An Interview with Jennifer Bonine: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series[presentation]

Committed to covering the latest tools, trends, and issues regarding software development approaches, plan-driven development methods, and process improvement programs, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series.

Jennifer Bonine, tap|QA Inc.
Designing Your Team and Organization for Innovation[presentation]

If innovation is not part of your team or organizational DNA, your company risks falling behind its competitors, losing market share, and demoralizing your best talent. And yet, you cannot create an innovative organization by simply saying “Be innovative” or adding it to the company values...

Jim Elvidge, BigVisible Solutions
Enterprise Lean-Agile: It’s More Than Scrum[presentation]

Introducing agile development into a large enterprise is like creating a bubble of sanity in the midst of bedlam. Unless the sanity spreads, the effort is ultimately frustrating, frustrated—and fails. Jeff Marr describes the web of the enterprise ecosystem and presents strategies to build...

Jeff Marr, Cisco
A UX Strategy for Persona Research[presentation]

Research into your users’ personas can provide deep insights into their needs and validate your product design. This research doesn’t have to take months; it can often be done in two weeks, during sprint 0. Unfortunately, many companies using agile methods don’t invest in personas and a...

Nellie LeMonier, Perforce Software, Inc.
Seeking the Agile Path through Database Design[presentation]

Being first to market or meeting rapidly changing customer demands compels development teams to build systems while requirements are still being discovered. Developing a relational database design ahead of its requirements can paint you into a corner—with a product that suffers from...

Jonathan Wiggs, Netmotion Wireless, Inc.


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