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STAREAST 2013 Keynote: Testing in a Test-driven World [presentation]

Agile software development has fundamentally changed the way software testing is performed. No longer is testing relegated to the end of the lifecycle where its budgets are cut and its conclusions ignored. Now we live in a world where testing drives development...

Jeff Payne, Coveros
Five Pains of a Test Manager and How to Overcome Them[presentation]

Nowadays testing software and hardware is indispensable for companies. Companies often use software tools to support their QA activities. These tools should support test managers and not constrain them, allowing them to organize their work in the best way for their organization.

Regg Struyk, Polarion
STAREAST 2013 Keynote: Asking the Right Questions? What Journalism Can Teach Testers[presentation]

As testing disciplines continues to evolve—and the demands on testers increase—we need to look for new paradigms to guide our work. Thomas McCoy believes the profession of journalism has much to offer in helping us ask the right kinds of questions, be heard, and deliver bad news effectively.

Thomas McCoy, Australian Department of Families
It’s Agile, Not Fragile[presentation]

The time is now to rethink the way you and your teams build, test and deliver applications. In this session, we will share the insights, best practices and software innovation to address the challenge of rapid delivery of today’s user-centric applications. 

Kelly Emo and Michael Cooper, HP
STAREAST 2013 Keynote: The Mismeasure of Software: The Last Talk on Measurement You’ll Ever Need to Hear[presentation]

Lee Copeland maintains that most organizations have some kind of metrics program—and almost all are ineffective. After explaining the concept of measurement, Lee describes two key reasons for these almost universal metrics program failures.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
6 Essential Cloud Testing Features[presentation]

Quality assurance engineers spend more time preparing for testing than doing actual testing and test hardware and software infrastructure is typically underutilized. Research shows that a combination of SaaS and IaaS technology is best suited to decrease those peripheral activities. 

Mughees Minhas, Oracle
Improve Your Test Environments with Service Virtualization[magazine]

Want to save money and time, expand your testing environment’s capabilities, and still get high-quality releases? Service virtualization provides virtual replicas of physical environments and databases. Its earlier-lifecycle defect detection just might change your company’s reality.

Scott Aziz's picture Scott Aziz
What Position Do You Play in Software? What Position Do You Play?[article]

Micheleen Merritt explains that as an agile coach, you need to take into account all of the participants of a team, not just the developers. If you aren’t acknowledging the quality assurance analysts, business analysts, and product owners, you aren’t coaching the whole team.

Mickey Merritt's picture Mickey Merritt
Michael DePaoli The Science of Yielding Productivity: An Interview with Mike DePaoli[interview]

Mike DePaoli sits down with us to discuss how project leaders, not unlike farmers, benefit from turning to science to give themselves the best chances at a bountiful harvest. We discuss how agile's preference for holistic approaches provides an organic opportunity for success across the enterprise.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
 A Team’s First Steps into Shared Ownership Snapshot: A Team’s First Steps into Shared Ownership[article]

Karen Favazza Spencer writes of the time her team members had to modernize and expand the capabilities of their legacy system. In this situation, Karen took on the role of ScrumMaster, implemented several helpful agile techniques, and empowered the team to share leadership of the project with management.

Pollyanna Pixton Culturally Sound Leadership: An Interview with Pollyanna Pixton[interview]

Pollyanna Pixton shares why crafting a healthy and productive agile culture is so difficult, and how it relies heavily on the shoulders of team leaders. She stresses the importance of leaders not providing their teams with answers—but giving them the ownership to solve problems on their own.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
How to Make Collocation Work for You How to Make Collocation Work for You[article]

Gil Zilberfeld recounts his experience with collocation during his time at Typemock, and explains how collocation can benefit your team. In modern agile discussions, we struggle with how to work with distributed teams around the globe. The truth is that it’s easy to break stuff just by moving part of the team to the next room.

Gil Zilberfeld's picture Gil Zilberfeld
Agile Palooza DC - Ian Culling - Version One internal development and practices[article]

Agile Palooza DC - Ian Culling - Version One internal development and practices

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
ADP West 2010 - Payson Hall - Risk, Reward and Public Sector Contracts[article]

ADP West 2010 - Payson Hall - Risk, Reward and Public Sector Contracts

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
ADPEast 2010: Michael Mah—Agile Teams by the Numbers—Software Metrics and the Big Giant Database[article]

Bob speaks with Michael Mah about agile and metrics at the ADPEast 2010 conference.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne


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