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Baking In Quality: The Evolving Role of the Agile Tester[presentation]

While more and more organizations are practicing agile development methodologies,  many have not learned how to “bake in quality” throughout the process. As an agile tester, you are an integral part of the development team—working on requirements, design, implementation...

Dena Laterza, Agile Velocity
STAREAST 2013: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences. If you’re not familiar with the concept, Lightning Talks consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period. Lightning Talks are the opportunity for speakers...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Increase Your Team’s Efficiency with Kanban[presentation]

Test teams must perform a wide variety of tasks from testing new functions and performing regression tests to helping with bug fixes, producing test reports, and working on test improvements. With all these activities, it is a challenge to keep priorities straight, operate most efficiently...

Derk-Jan de Grood, Valori
Crowdsourcing: An Innovative Approach to Testing[presentation]

In the perfect world, you would prefer to hire and develop a large number of the most qualified testers to work on your projects. However, when that’s impossible, crowdsourcing may be the answer. Crowdsourcing provides a mechanism for finding and using large numbers of qualified...

Ralph Decker, Alliance Global Services
STAREAST 2013: Maybe We Don’t Have to Test It[presentation]

Testers are taught they are responsible for all testing. Some even say “It’s not tested until I run the product myself.” Eric Jacobson believes this old school way of thinking can hurt a tester’s reputation and—even worse—may threaten the team’s success. Learning to recognize...

Eric Jacobson, Turner Broadcasting
Taming the Beast: Test/QA on Large-scale Projects[presentation]

Large, complex projects—those with more than 100 people and lasting more that a year—require special considerations for developing, communicating, and managing the overall QA strategy and test plans. Shaun Bradshaw provides insights he gained from a $70 million financial...

Shaun Bradshaw, Zenergy Technologies, Inc.
Building Successful Test Teams[presentation]

“People are the most important asset of any organization.” Even though we hear that a lot, leaders and managers actually spend very little time focusing on the people side of testing. The skills and makeup of a test team are important and must be managed and cultivated properly.

Lloyd Roden, Lloyd Roden Consultancy
White-box Testing: When Quality Really Matters[presentation]

Jamie Mitchell explores perhaps the most underused test technique in our arsenal—white-box testing. Also known as structural testing, white-box requires some programming expertise, access to the code, and an analysis tool. If you only employ black-box testing, you could easily ship...

Jamie Mitchell, Jamie Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
The Pathologies of Failed Test Automation Projects[presentation]

Most test automation projects never die—they just become a mess and are redone. Initial solutions that start well and are full of promise often end up as brittle and unmaintainable monsters consuming more effort than they save. Political feuds can flourish as different automation solutions...

Michael Stahl, Intel
Keynote: Asking the Right Questions? What Journalism Can Teach Testers[presentation]

As the testing discipline continues to evolve—and the demands on testers increase—we need to look for new paradigms to guide our work. Thomas McCoy believes the profession of journalism has much to offer in helping us ask the right kinds of questions, be heard, and deliver bad news...

Thomas McCoy, Australian Department of Families
Deadlines Approaching? Budgets Cut? How to Keep Your Sanity[presentation]

Testing projects have a habit of dissolving into chaos—and even strife—as deadlines approach and budgets are cut. When asked to do the impossible, risk management and mitigation tools can be the only way for testers to survive. Geoff Horne presents a proven method he uses for...

Geoff Horne, NZTester Magazine
Better Unit Tests with ApprovalTests: An Open Source Library[presentation]

When a unit test fails, we want clear, expressive, rich feedback so we can quickly understand the nature of the failure and get a good idea of how to fix it. Unit testing frameworks are fantastic at running tests and alerting us to any failure. Unfortunately, sometimes...

Woody Zuill, Hunter Industries
Mobile Testing Tools 101[presentation]

The burgeoning use of mobile devices has created enormous opportunities for organizations to leverage mobile to increase sales, advertise products, and collaborate with internal and external resources. However, with increasing usage, the need to perform testing on these devices is...

David Dang, Zenergy Technologies, Inc.
Think Different: Visualization Tools for Testers[presentation]

Traditional processes have required testers to create a large amount of documentation in the form of test plans, test cases, and test reports. It’s time to think differently. Creating test artifacts in the “old school” textual style takes too much time away from actual testing. 

Pascal Dufour, codecentric
There’s No Room for Emotions in Testing—Not![presentation]

Software testing is a highly technical, logical, rational task. There's no place for squishy emotional stuff here—not among professional testers. Or is there? Because of commitment, risk, schedule, and money, emotions often do run high in software development and testing. Our ideas about...

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense


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