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Agile and Federal Governance—A Look at Contracts and Earned Value Management[article]

Richard Cheng explores whether or not federal governance controls are ready for agile implementations. If the federal government continues to implement agile without losing agile’s fundamental concepts, contractors and the government will grow in their understanding and ability to implement effective projects and deliver value iteratively and incrementally.

Richard Cheng's picture Richard Cheng
The Evolution of the User Experience: An Interview with Genefa Murphy[interview]

Creating a rich UX for mobile apps has gone from being a nice feature—to an absolute must. Genefa Murphy at HP discusses how agile development that incorporates collaboration between designers, developers, and testers goes a long way in building the apps that truly succeed in today's marketplace.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Maintaining the Programming Mob: An Interview with Woody Zuill[interview]

"Fun" and "kindness" aren't the first things that come to mind when thinking of the mob, but in software development—they're mandatory. Woody Zuill discusses how mob programming takes a very agile and collaborative effort at delivering great software on time, and with the respect of everyone on board.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Identifying and Improving Bad User Stories[article]

A written user story is a very short narrative—a sentence or two—describing some small piece of functionality that has business value. User stories are intended to foster collaboration and communication, but writing these short narratives poorly can negate agile’s flexibility. Charles Suscheck and Andrew Fuqua explain some common failure patterns that will help you focus on the right role, value, and business functionality when writing stories.

Collaborating with ALM and Agile: An Interview with Karthik Ravindran[interview]

Karthik Ravindran, Microsoft Senior Director - Visual Studio Product Management, discusses the evolution of ALM and agile and how each can reach its full potential when they are working together in an organization.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Derk-Jan de Grood Kanban's Visual Efficiency: An Interview with Derk-Jan de Grood[interview]

Derk-Jan de Grood explains how those who have yet to embrace kanban can experience the efficiency and communication-building that the practice brings to development teams of all sizes. After defining what "efficiency" means to him, Derk-Jan explains why he's the fan of kanban that he is.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
The Software Testing Draft: Picking the Right Players for the Team[magazine]

Like “Moneyball” indicated for baseball, the secret to building a great software team is not drafting superstars but rather hiring team members with solid, diverse skill sets and attitudes that keep the team moving forward to success. Success as a team is a balance of a variety of soft and hard skills found in the individuals on the team, inter-team relationships, leadership, hard work, and even a bit of luck.

Bonnie Bailey's picture Bonnie Bailey
Traceability's Priceless Role in Agile: An Interview with William Gens[interview]

William Gens sits down with Noel Wurst to describe "the art and science of traceability" ahead of his STAREAST session of the same name. Learn what makes traceability meaningful and such a valuable asset to projects, no matter how bad the requirements may seem to be.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
The 2013 Software Development Lab: An Interview with Johanna Rothman[interview]

Johanna Rothman details the upcoming "Software Manager's Lab" being held at the 2013 Agile Development Conference West in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Wednesday, June 5th. Communication skills will be focused on along with a peer-to-peer feedback model that can be used between all employee levels.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Top Twelve Myths of Agile Development[article]

When it comes to agile development, Allan Kelly has noticed a lot of misinformation is being passed off as fact. In this article, Allan takes a closer look at twelve of the most common agile myths he has encountered while training new agile teams.

Allan Kelly's picture Allan Kelly
Taking a Holistic View of Collaboration: An Interview with Bob Hartman[interview]

Bob Hartman uses more than three decades of experience in software, working in nearly every position imaginable, to express the need for team members to value all coworkers equally. In this quick interview, Bob explains his "holistic" approach to accomplishing effective and enjoyable collaboration.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Expanding Agile with Kanban, Lean, and Quality Code: An Interview with Alan Shalloway[interview]

Alan Shalloway has a wealth of knowledge on all things agile, and in this interview, he helps us better understand a handful of practices that help agile succeed on projects big and small. Alan goes into the importance of design patterns and quality code, and then attempts to "demystify kanban."

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Making Governance Work on Agile Teams: An Interview with Scott Ambler[interview]

Dr. Dobbs senior contributing editor Scott Ambler sits down with Noel Wurst at to discuss how agile team governance does not have to have a negative stigma. Scott helps people see through naive assumptions, while eliminating out of control governance to get teams back on track.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
JavaScript for Test-Driven Development: An Interview with Rob Myers[interview]

Agile Institute founder Rob Myers sits down with Noel Wurst to discuss why he believes, and hopes, that JavaScript will be the language of choice for enterprise development. Rob shares with us why opinions on JavaScript have change, and why the language is a great fit for agile development.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
A Product Owner’s First Glimpse of Agile[article]

Kent McDonald introduces us to Arthur, a middle manager and product owner in a medium-sized insurance company who has been assigned to take on an agile project. For those unfamiliar with agile, the terminology and techniques of agile approaches can seem strange and often a little silly when not accompanied with an explanation as to why those techniques exist. Kent explains the challenges product owners like Arthur face and how to make product owners understand agile better.

Kent J. McDonald's picture Kent J. McDonald


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