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STARCANADA 2013: Quantifying the Value of Static Analysis[presentation]

During the past ten years, static analysis tools have become a vital part of software development for many organizations. However, the question arises, “Can we quantify the benefits of static analysis?” William Oliver presents the results of a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory study...

William Oliver, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
STARCANADA 2013: Concurrent Testing Games: Developers and Testers Working Together[presentation]

The best software development teams find ways for programmers and testers to work closely together. These teams recognize that programmers and testers each bring their own unique strengths and perspectives to the project. However, working in agile teams requires us to unlearn...

Nate Oster, CodeSquads LLC
STARCANADA 2013 Keynote: Cool! Testing's Getting Fun Again[presentation]

The last exciting era in testing was the late ‘90s when the web turned technology on its ear, the agile movement overthrew our processes, and the rise of open source gave us accessible and innovative tools. However, since then, Jonathan Kohl finds it has been a lot of the same-old, same-old.

Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts, Inc.
Using Mindmaps to Develop a Test Strategy[presentation]

Your test strategy is the design behind your plan—the set of big-picture ideas that embodies the overarching direction of your test effort. It captures the stakeholders’ values that will inspire, influence, and ultimately drive your testing.

Fiona Charles, Quality Intelligence
STARCANADA 2013: Maybe We Don’t Have to Test It[presentation]

Testers have been taught they are responsible for all testing. Some even say “It’s not tested until I run the product myself.” Eric Jacobson thinks this old school way of thinking can hurt a tester’s reputation and—even worse—may threaten team success. Learning to recognize opportunities...

Eric Jacobson, Turner Broadcasting Inc.
Risk-based Testing: Not for the Fainthearted[presentation]

If you’ve tried to make testing really count, you know that “risk” plays a fundamental part in deciding where to direct your testing efforts and how much testing is enough. Unfortunately, project managers often do not understand or fully appreciate the test team’s view of risk...

George Wilkinson, Grove Consultants
Creating Dissonance: Overcoming Organizational Bias toward Software Testing[presentation]

Overcoming organizational bias toward software testing can be a key factor in the success of your testing effort. Negative bias toward testing can impact its perceived value—just as inaccurate positive bias can set your team up for failure through mismanaged expectations. A structured...

Keith Klain, Barclays Capital
STARCANADA 2013 Keynote: Lighting Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Lightning Talks are a popular part of the STAR conferences. Lightning Talks consists of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period and are an opportunity for speakers to deliver their single biggest bang-for-the-buck idea in a rapid-fire presentation.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Structural Testing: When Quality Really Matters[presentation]

Jamie Mitchell explores an underused and often forgotten test technique—white-box testing. Also known as structural testing, this technique requires some programming expertise and access to the code. Using only black-box testing, you could...

Jamie Mitchell, Jamie Mitchell Consulting Inc.
How Spotify Tests World Class Apps[presentation]

In today’s competitive world, more and more HTML5 applications are being developed for mobile and desktop platforms. Spotify has partnered with world-renowned organizations to create high quality apps to enrich the user experience. Testing a single application within a few months can be...

Alexander Andelkovic, Spotify
Presenting Test Results with Clarity and Confidence[presentation]

Test leaders are often asked to present the results of their testing to management—and even to auditors. Can you clearly and confidently explain and summarize your test plans and results? Can you prove that your testing is compliant with internal procedures and regulations? 

Griffin Jones, Congruent Compliance
Testing—After You’ve Finished Testing[presentation]

Stakeholders always want to release when they think we’ve finished testing. They believe we have discovered “all of the important problems” and “verified all of the fixes”—and now it’s time to reap the rewards. However, as testers we still can assist in improving software by learning about...

Jon Bach, eBay, Inc.
Setting Automation Expectations: Lessons from Failure and Success[presentation]

Test automation is undeniably a key strategy for any test manager—and for good Test automation is undeniably a key strategy for any test manager—and for good reason. Test automation promises faster regression testing, higher productivity, better quality, and cost reduction.

Laura Salazar, Softtek
Yin and Yang: Metrics within Agile and Traditional Lifecycles[presentation]

Metrics are powerful tools when used to effect positive change in a project or organization. However, the value and benefits of metrics are often dependent on the context. While certain metrics provide information and insight to drive decision making for a traditional development approach...

Shaun Bradshaw, Zenergy Technologies, Inc. & Bob Galen, RGalen Consulting
Strength in Numbers: Using Web Analytics to Drive Test Requirements[presentation]

Once a client’s website is built, you’d think it would be time for a well-deserved break. However, almost immediately, questions come up—can we capture a larger audience? close more orders? increase our sales? And so, it’s time to redesign the site—and the test strategy and plans...

Lindiwe Vinson, Organic, Inc.


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