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 Geographically Distributed Agile Team Primary Getting the Most Out of Your Geographically Distributed Agile Team[article]

Shane Hastie and Johanna Rothman explain the challenges that come with distance, be it cultural, social, linguistic, temporal, or geographic. If you work to reinforce your collaboration habits every day, your geographically distributed agile team will thank you.

Jim Elvidge Innovation Courtesy of Inspiration: An Interview with Jim Elvidge[interview]

Jim Elvidge attributes the last thirty years of fun that he's had in his career to the same qualities teams should be built with today. Innovative products come from teams who are inspired to reach their full creative potential, and getting your employees there may be easier than you think.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Ram Srinivasan Ram Srinivasan on the Benefits of Gamification[interview]

Agile coach Ram Srinivasan shares his views on why gamification is so enjoyable for users—and so effective and even profitable for businesses. Learn how social connectivity, increased engagement, and even fun all combine to produce an exciting time in software development.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
A Look Behind the Curtain: Debunking 12 Myths of Agile Development[magazine]

When it comes to agile development, Allan Kelly has noticed a lot of misinformation being passed off as fact. In this article, he takes a closer look at twelve of the most common agile myths he has encountered while training new agile teams.

Allan Kelly's picture Allan Kelly
The $440 Million Software Bug[magazine]

In August, Knight Capital Group lost $440 million in one day. But there weren’t any traders to blame—at least no human ones. The loss was the result of a software system upgrade gone awry. What can we learn from this and other software catastrophes in the financial sector, and how can we prevent them in the future?

Corporate University: Growing Software Development Talents[magazine]

A company with powerful technology and costly equipment is still going to be stuck in a rut without the right personnel. Here, Galyna Datsiv spotlights the concept of corporate universities, where IT organizations can support their products, processes, and even customers by ensuring the growth of new talent and existing employees.

Galyna Datsiv's picture Galyna Datsiv
Strengthen Your Discovery Muscle[magazine]

An organization shouldn’t spend all its time building its delivery muscle without simultaneously building its discovery muscle. In fact, successful software teams deliver great products because they invest in discovery. Learn how to expand your innovation and strengthen your discovery muscle.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger[magazine]

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
FAQ: What Should I Do When My Bug Gets Rejected?[magazine]

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Dawn Haynes answers one of the questions students ask her most often.

Dawn Haynes's picture Dawn Haynes
Android Mobile Development: A Test-driven Approach[presentation]

Few topics are hotter these days than mobile software development. It seems that every company is rushing to release its own mobile application. However, when it comes time to build that software, companies quickly discover that things are different now.

Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan, LeanDog
Designing Self-maintaining UI Tests for Web Applications[presentation]

Test automation scripts are in a constant state of obsolescence. New features are added, changes are made, and testers learn about these changes long after they've been implemented. Marcus Merrell helped design a system in which a "model" is created each time a developer changes...

Marcus Merrell, WhaleShark Media, Inc.
Usability Testing: Personas, Scenarios, Use Cases, and Test Cases[presentation]

To create better test cases, Koray Yitmen says you must know your users. And the path to better test case creation in usability testing starts with the segmentation and definition of users, a concept known as personas. Contrary to common market-wise segmentation that focuses on users'...

Koray Yitmen, UXservices
An Agile Test Automation Strategy for Everyone[presentation]

Most systems are not designed to make test automation easy! Fortunately, the whole-team approach, prescribed by most agile methodologies, gives us an opportunity to break out of this rut. Gerard Meszaros describes the essential elements of practical and proven agile test automation strategy.

Gerard Meszaros, Independent Consultant
The Seven Deadly Sins of Software Testing[presentation]

Many smart, otherwise-capable testers sabotage their own careers by committing one or more of the deadly sins of testing: irrelevance/redundancy, ignorance of relevant skills, obstructionism, adversarialism, nit-picking, blindness to project/organizational priorities, and last-moment-ism.

Rex Black, RBCS Inc.
Snappy Visualizations for Test Communications[presentation]

Do you struggle to find the best way to explain your testing status and coverage to your stakeholders? Do numbers and metrics make your stakeholders’ eyes glaze over, or, even worse, do you feel dirty giving metrics that you know are going to be abused? Do you have challenges...

Thomas Vaniotis, Liquidnet


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