The Latest

Better Test Designs to Drive Test Automation Excellence[presentation]

Test execution automation is often seen as a technical challenge-a matter of applying the right technology, tools, and smart programming talent.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
Beyond Processes and Tools: What about Ethics?[presentation]

Too often we focus only on the latest headline-grabbing processes and products. While recognizing that we must respond to ever-changing business needs, deep down we know we must live by a few absolutes as we approach our daily work.

Jackie Pulley, Pulley Consulting Partners, LLC
Database Development: The Object-oriented and Test-driven Way[presentation]

As developers, we've created heuristics that help us build robust systems and employed test-driven development (TDD) to improve code design and counter instability.

Max Guernsey, Hexagon Software LLC
The Journey from Manager to Leader: Empowering Your Team[presentation]

As I reflect on my struggles empowering teams to become self-managing, I am amazed that I didn't understand earlier. Things that seem so obvious after the fact are often difficult to acknowledge in the moment.

Tricia Broderick, TechSmith Corporation
Lessons Learned from Forty-five Years of Software Measurement[presentation]

Counting is easy. However, what makes measurement really valuable-and really hard to get right-is knowing what to count and what to do with the results.

Edward Weller, Integrated Productivity Solutions, LLC
Massive Continuous Integration and Light-speed Iterations[presentation]

Continuous integration (CI) has become a buzzword, with most engineering organizations claiming they've adopted the practice.

Jesse Dowdle, AtTask, Inc.
Creating Great User Experiences: Tips and Techniques[presentation]

Many software people look at creating great user experiences as a black art, something to guess at and hope for the best. It doesn't have to be that way!

Jennifer Fraser, Macadamian
Red Beads: A New Tool for Managing Software Projects[presentation]

Warning! Warning! Managing software projects may be accompanied by continued bouts of nausea-brought on by unmet expectations, process churn, late deliveries, and worse.

Howard Deiner, Deinersoft, Inc.
Back to the Basics: Principles for Constructing Quality Software[presentation]

Using an analogy to the building codes followed by architects and contractors in the construction of buildings, Rick Spiewak explores the fundamental principles for developing and delivering high quality, mission-critical systems.

Rick Spiewak, The MITRE Corporation
Cloud Computing: Powering the Future of Development and Testing[presentation]

Developers and testers are under constant pressure to operate more efficiently, cut costs, and deliver on time. Without access to scalable, flexible, and cost effective computing resources, these challenges are magnified.

Brian White, Skytap, Inc.
The Right Question for the Right Requirements[presentation]

How often have you gone down the road of developing software almost to completion only to discover new requirements that require significant design and coding changes at the last minute?

Jack Jones, KMI
Group Interaction Patterns: The Keys for Highly Productive Teams[presentation]

Development teams often fail to recognize the complex group interactions and multi-person relationships that are critical to build and maintain a highly productive team.

Michael Wolf, Self
Danger! Danger! Your Mobile Applications Are Not Secure[presentation]

A new breed of mobile devices with sophisticated processors and ample storage has given rise to sophisticated applications that move more and more data and business logic to devices.

Johannes Ullrich, SANS Technology Institute
Cloud-based Testing: Flexible, Scalable, On-demand, and Cheaper[presentation]

Cloud computing is here to stay-and it is changing the way we test software. Cloud-based testing offers flexible, scalable, and on-demand infrastructure services.

Tauhida Parveen, Independent Testing Consultant
Better Software Conference East 2012: Data Collection and Analysis for Better Requirements[presentation]

According to the Standish group, 64 percent of features in systems are rarely-or never-used. How does this happen?

Brandon Carlson, Lean TECHniques, Inc.


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