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Reduce Release Cycle Time: Nine Months to a Week - Nice![presentation]

Picture this scene from three years ago: Employing the corporately mandated processes, a software engineering team is delivering system updates about once every nine months.

Mathew Bissett, UK Government
It's a Phone First! How to Test Your Five-star Mobile Apps[presentation]

Mobile application development shares many similarities-and some stark differences-with traditional web-based development.

Will Hurley, Will Hurley - Quality and Security Services
The Lean and Agile Way into the Cloud[presentation]

Advances in technologies-virtualization, cheap storage, high-speed networks-and a growing comfort with the Internet's security and reliability are leading to widespread adoption of cloud computing.

Yash Talreja, The Technology Gurus
Using Business Objectives to Design Better Products[presentation]

When software products are late to launch, a practical solution is to drop features from a release while still delivering a product your customers will love.

Joy Beatty, Blue Ocean Services at Seilevel, Inc.
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference East 2012: Seven Deadly Habits of Dysfunctional Software Managers[presentation]

As if releasing a quality software project on time were not difficult enough, poor management dealing with planning, people, and process issues can be deadly to a project.

Ken Whitaker, Leading Software Maniacs
Form Follows Function: The Architecture of a Congruent Organization[presentation]

One principle architects employ when designing buildings is "form follows function." That is, the layout of a building should be based upon its intended function.

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
Embracing Uncertainty: A Most Difficult Leap of Faith[presentation]

For the past couple of years, Dan North has been working with and studying teams who are dramatically more productive than any he's ever seen. In weeks they produce results that take other teams months.

Dan North, Lean Technology Specialist
Adaptive Leadership: Accelerating Enterprise Agility[presentation]

Agile practices have proven to help software teams develop better software products while shortening delivery cycles to weeks and even days.

Jim Highsmith, ThoughtWorks, Inc.
Games Software People Play: Reasoning, Tactics, Biases, Fallacies[presentation]

As engineers and doers, we make rational, well-thought-out decisions based on facts and figures. Or do we?

Philippe Kruchten, Kruchten Engineering Services, Ltd.
Gain Greater Testing Precision Through Adaptive Test Methods[magazine]

Brooke Bowie explains how "adaptive" software testing provides nimble, high-value software test solutions that bend and shift with the changing needs of the market or the environment. High-value testing does not mean that you need to perform all end-to-end testing or run the full suite of tests; this can potentially create a bottleneck and dampen the velocity. Adaptive tests are always targeted at the most relevant business and quality goals.

Brooke Bowie's picture Brooke Bowie
Management Myth #11: The Team Needs a Cheerleader![article]

If you have a cheerleading manager (or, worse, if you are a cheerleading manager) in a troubled organization, then your team is likely missing its purpose. Replace those cheers with transparency, and you might be surprised by the solutions your team will come up with.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Prime Directive: Improve Dev Testing Skills[presentation]

In many development organizations today, quality is the responsibility of everyone on the project-both developers and testers. However, getting devs fully engaged in this testing continues to be a challenge.

Andrew Prentice, Atlassian
Penetration Testing Demystified[presentation]

Penetration testing is a method of evaluating the security of a system by maliciously attacking it and analyzing its possible weaknesses.

Edward Bonver, Symantec Corporation
Testing Mobile Apps: Three Dilemmas Solved[presentation]

The fragmentation and unpredictability of the mobile market present new challenges and risks for the business-and the development team.

Yoram Mizrachi, Perfecto Mobile
The Dangers of the Requirements Coverage Metric[presentation]

When testing a system, one question that always arises is, “How much of the system have we tested?” Coverage is defined as the ratio of “what has been tested” to “what there is to test.” One of the basic coverage metrics is requirements cover

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering


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