The Latest

Big Data and Quality[presentation]

Big Data systems-those in which data sets grow so large that they become awkward to work with using traditional tools-are a huge problem for testers.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Using Agile Techniques to Manage Testing - Even on Non-agile Projects[presentation]

Sometimes, test managers and teams can get bogged down in rigid processes, excessive documentation, and simply too much data, resulting in less actual testing getting done. The good news is that there is a better way!

Brian Osman, OsmanIT
Security Testing: Thinking Like an Attacker[presentation]

Compared to traditional functional testing, security testing requires testers to develop the mindset of real attackers and pro-actively look for security vulnerabilities throughout the software development lifecycle.

Frank Kim, ThinkSec
Automating Mobile Application Testing with Monkey Talk[presentation]

As enterprises scramble for competitive advantage by rapidly creating and deploying compelling mobile applications, testing professionals have been challenged to quickly adopt new tools and processes to provide effective testing.

Stu Stern, Gorilla Logic
The Metrics Minefield[presentation]

In many organizations, management demands measurements to help assess the quality of software products and projects. Are those measurements backed by solid metrics?

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense, Inc.
The Art of Designing Test Data[presentation]

Test data generation is an important preparatory step in software testing. It calls for a tester’s creativity as much as test case design itself.

Rajini Padmanaban, QA InfoTech
A Test Manager's Transformation Toolkit[presentation]

If you have had your testing window reduced or you are being challenged to do more with less, this session is for you. Mari Kawaguchi shares how she and her team embraced these challenges to transform their testing operating model.

Mari Kawaguchi, Bank of America
The Missing Integration at Best Buy: Agile, Test Management, and Test Execution[presentation]

What can you do when test tools from proprietary vendors don’t seem to support your organization’s processes and open source tools are too narrowly focused? Best Buy, the world's largest electronics retailer, faced this very situation.

Frank Cohen, PushToTest
Database Load Testing and Performance Analysis: New Approaches for Fast Results[presentation]

Ever wonder exactly how a database becomes the bottleneck for an entire application? Ever think about replaying real production load to see if your application can stand the pressure?

Ron Warshawsky, Enteros, Inc.
Innovative Tools for Your Mobile Testing Toolkit[presentation]

Automating mobile testing faces challenges from a huge variety of devices, resolutions, user interactions, and operating systems.

Eing Ong, Intuit, Inc.
How to Break Web Software[presentation]

If you're new to testing Web applications or facing new challenges, you may feel overwhelmed by the terminology and multiple technologies of today's Web environments.

Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Code Coverage in the Internet Age[presentation]

With the proliferation of mobile devices, cloud computing, and client-side scripting-coupled with web services-how do you guarantee adequate code coverage for your applications?

Michael Portwood, The Nielsen Company
Maslow's Hierarchy of Quality: Realigning Your Thinking[presentation]

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a popular model that describes the stages of human psychological development.

Anu Kak, PayPal, Inc.
Cross-platform Testing at Microsoft[presentation]

Microsoft Office products have been available on Windows-based and Apple Mac personal computers for many years.

Jean Hartmann, Microsoft Corporation
Performance Testing in the Agile World[presentation]

Like agile development, performance testing is an iterative process in which new problems and risks are identified, and appropriate steps are taken to fix issues or mitigate risks.

Sai Subramanian, Cognizant Technology Solutions


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