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Mitch Lacey The Agile and Scrum Mindsets: An Interview with Mitch Lacey[interview]

Mitch Lacey recently took the time to speak with us ahead of his 2012 Agile Development Conference session titled “Understanding Scrum: An Experiential Workshop.” Mitch shared with us how truly understanding scrum and agile allows for a smooth transition and effective results.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Management Myth #10: I Can Measure the Work by the Time People Spend at Work[article]

Increasing the amount of time someone spends on work does not directly result in better work. In fact, depending on the person, the opposite may be the case—spending less time at the office may improve the results. Johanna tackles myths of measuring work by time.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Five Ways to Build the Right Thing[article]

Just because an organization has the ability to deliver fast doesn't mean the final product will be valuable, useful, or needed. Todd Olsen explains five tips to help increase your chances of delivering the right product.

Todd Olson
Michael Wolf Creating Healthier, Stress-Free Teams: An Interview with Michael Wolf[interview]

Michael Wolf discusses with us the way to create happier, more productive teams is to liberate them and remove the stress that's holding them back. Michael is presenting a session titled "Group Interaction Patterns: The Keys for Highly Productive Teams" at the 2012 Better Software Conference East.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Dan North Returning to Agile: An Interview with Dan North[interview]

Dan North is presenting three sessions at the upcoming 2012 Better Software Conference East. In his keynote, "Embracing Uncertainty: A Leap of Faith," Dan will discuss how embracing uncertainty is one of agile's core principles and how taking risks amidst diversity can result in resounding success.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Context Is King[magazine]

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
Which Visual Models Do You Recommend for Test Design?[magazine]

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Rob Sabourin answers one of the questions students ask him most often.

Robert Sabourin's picture Robert Sabourin
Where Are the Interns?[magazine]

The demand for software engineers is outpacing the supply from colleges and technical schools. Learn how to attract new talent through internships.

Patrick Bailey's picture Patrick Bailey
Scott Ross Building Trust and Culture in Teams: An Interview with Scott Ross[interview]

Scott Ross is presenting a session named "Leveraging Core Values for Healthier, More Productive Teams" at the 2012 Better Software Conference East. Scott shared with us the importance of maintaining a positive culture around development teams in order to keep everyone happy, healthy, and productive.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Journey to Agility: Leading the Transformation[presentation]

How far can you take agile within an organization? Is it enough to just focus on agile development practices such as Scrum and XP or is something more needed? Agile is much more than just a development methodology.

Skip Angel, BigVisible Solutions
Implementing Agile in an FDA-regulated Environment[presentation]

While many industries have adopted agile, the medical device industry, which develops products for life-critical applications-where quality and reliability are clearly a top-priority, remains largely stuck under the “waterfall.” Medical devic

Neeraj Mainkar, Neuronetics
Collaboration Workshops: Discover, Plan, and Prepare the Product Backlog[presentation]

To deliver high-value products, your agile team must reach a shared understanding of prioritized stakeholder needs. Collaborative techniques are best for this type of work, but not all agile teams use them or use them efficiently.

Ellen Gottesdiener, EBG Consulting, Inc.
Restating Scrum: Refining and Extending the Framework[presentation]

Knowing the rules of chess doesn’t equip you with strategies to win the game-much less make you a chess master.

Rob Maher,
Performance Appraisals for Agile Teams[presentation]

Traditional performance evaluations, which focus solely on individual performance, create a “chasm of disconnect” for agile team members.

Michael Hall, WorldLink, Inc.
Lessons from a DevOps Journey[presentation]

In large financial institutions, treasury departments-specialized teams of traders and experts in liquidity, risk, accounting, financial forecasting, and quantitative analysis-manage the organization’s wealth and financial risk.

Matt Callanan, Independent


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