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Influence v. Authority: Using Your Personal Power to Get Things Done[presentation]

How often have you been in a situation where you could see the solution and yet did not have the authority to make a change? You tried persuasion; you tried selling your ideas; you might have even tried friendly manipulation to get your way.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
The Blurred Boundaries Between Dev, Test, and Ops[presentation]

It's like watching a chase scene in a major summer blockbuster movie. You're totally focused on the action when suddenly you realize the background is a blurry mess.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Skipping Shortcuts: Convincing Clients to Take the Better Path[article]

Your clients may not understand why you follow certain practices as a project professional. They may encourage you to take shortcuts that they believe will save time, money, and difficulty. You know better, but how can you convince them?

Brad  Egeland's picture Brad Egeland
Agile Methodology for Team Rehabilitation[article]

This article is intended for CIOs and Software Directors who have disfuntional development teams. These problems are described in the article and companies that are currently using Waterfall can see how their methodology is part of the reason these problems exist. The article further shows how the basic principles of Agile Methodology can address and even resolve these issues. This article will also help companies already using Agile areas to emphasize in order to resolve team issues. This is a non-technical article and emphasizes organizational issues common in software development.

Steve Vaughn's picture Steve Vaughn
The Product Canvas The Product Canvas[article]

To help product owners and teams create new products, Roman Pichler has developed a new tool called the product canvas. The canvas has grown out of his work with product owners and product managers over the past ten years, and it's designed to be compatible with the business model canvas.

Roman Pichler
.NET Rocks promoter On the Road Again: An Interview with Richard Campbell[interview]

Richard Campbell and Carl Franklin took the time to answer some of our questions about .NET development, and its evolution over the years. Richard and Carl are travelling across the country on the .NET Rocks tour and will be making a stop at the 2012 Better Software Conference East in Orlando, Fl

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Darshan Desai Agile Done Right: An Interview with Darshan Desai[interview]

Darshan Desai spoke with us ahead of this 2012 Better Software Conference East session titled "Experience an Iteration: The Joys of Agile Done Right." Darshan shared with us some of the ways to maximize agile's benefits while avoiding pitfalls and hindrances along the way.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Building a Team Through Feedback[article]

The ability to give honest, effective feedback to someone is important. Equally important is the ability to hear and understand that feedback. Learn how to use good feedback to build a stronger team.

Transition to Agile: Large Technical Debt, Small Project[article]

When you transition to agile and you have a reasonably size codebase, chances are quite good that you’ve been working on the product for a while. You certainly have legacy ways of thinking about the code and the tests. Now learn how to work yourself out of the technical debt you have accumulated.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Divide and Conquer: Find Solutions by Splitting Up [article]

With all of the choices available to software developers, it's easy to become overwhelmed not only by a problem but also by its many possible solutions. One approach that can help you and your team stay on track is to divide and conquer.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
End-to-End Automation: Providing Stakeholders Feedback on Quality[presentation]

Are you running automated tests during development yet not providing automated feedback to the project stakeholders? Vikas Bhupalam approached this problem by leveraging and integrating monitoring, logging, and defect tracking systems to provide automatic feedback to stakeholders.

Vikas Bhupalam, Intuit Inc.
Globally Distributed Agile Development Globally Distributed Agile Development[article]

Today, application development frequently consists of multiple teams, located across the globe, collaborating on a software project. Alex Perec describes how to make teams more productive and efficient without hindering their natural workflow.

Alex Perec
Mathew Bissett Testing Early and Often: An Interview with Matthew Bissett[interview]

In this interview, Matthew Bissett, the test manager responsible for the integration and testing of his area's flagship system for Her Majesty's Government, shares his thoughts with us on the importance of early testing in order to rapidly speed up software releases.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Coach New People to Success[article]

Johanna Rothman describes a hectic situation involving having to deal with four people and four different projects. The folks involved are in over their heads and Johanna can't even tell if these people are qualified for their job.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Testing Application Security: The Hacker Psyche Exposed[presentation]

Computer hacking isn’t a new thing, but the threat is real and growing even today. It is always the attacker’s advantage and the defender’s dilemma. How do you keep your secrets safe and your data protected? In today’s ever-changing technology landscape, the fundamentals of producing...

Mike Benkovich, Imagine Technologies, Inc.


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