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William Hurley Quality Mobile App Testing: An Interview with William Hurley[interview]

We had the chance to sit down with William Hurley ahead of his upcoming session at the 2012 Better Software Conference East in Orlando. William shared with us the testing methodologies and focuses that increase the quality of your mobile apps and leave your clients thrilled with your work.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Management Myth #9: We Have No Time for Training[article]

It’s never easy to schedule training, but you must if you want the people you manage to learn a new language, tool, or skill. Johanna offers some tips for making time and capitalizing on curiosity.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Data Protection is Everyone's Job: An Interview with Michael Jay Freer[interview]
Michael Jay Freer sat down with us ahead of his Better Software Conference 2012 presentation titled "Information Obfuscation: Protecting Corporate Data." Michael discusses the need for many companies to make a greater effort at masking data and how that task requires everyone to be on board.
Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
Perceived Challenges to Agile Adoption Making Agile Work for Government: Perceived Challenges to Agile Adoption[article]

Erich Knausenberger and Raj Shah examine three perceived challenges to agile adoption in the government space and explore how the "blended approach" to agile adoption offers an effective response to each.

Erich Knausenberger's picture Erich Knausenberger
Tricia Broderick Empowerment Strategies: An Interview with Tricia Broderick[interview]

Tricia Broderick recently sat down with us ahead of her 2012 Better Software Conference East session titled "The Journey from Manager to Leader: Empowering Your Team." With more than sixteen years of experience, Tricia truly has a passion for and a strong grasp of agile principles.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
ADP West 2012 - Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan - Cucumber, Ruby Gems and Software Craftsmanship[article]

Jeff "Cheezy" Morgan talks about his work with Cucumber, creating Ruby gems, and software craftsmanship.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Effective Risk Management: An Interview with Payson Hall[magazine]

We recently sat down with Payson Hall ahead of his upcoming 2012 Better Software Conference East presentation titled "Twelve Risks to Enterprise Software Projects - And What to Do about Them" in order to learn more about his experise in the field of risk management.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
How to Successfully Develop and Deploy DevOps How to Successfully Develop and Deploy DevOps[article]

DevOps puts the focus on automated application lifecycle management supporting development, test, integration, quality assurance (QA), user acceptance testing (UAT), and production. But how do you develop DevOps, and how do you know when you have achieved success?

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
The ROI of Learning for Software Testers The ROI of Learning for Software Testers[article]

Lisa Crispin shares some helpful tools she has come across in her software career. Although Lisa has written automated test code since the early '90s, in the past year she's collaborated more with coder and tester teammates to write maintainable, DRY, automated test code.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Agile software professional Linda Rising Effective Influence Strategies: An Interview with Linda Rising[interview]

The ability to influence others is an invaluable tool, especially for those in software. We had the opportunity to speak with Linda ahead of her upcoming presentation titled "Influence Strategies for Software Professionals" which she'll give at the Better Software Conference East.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst
The Software Development Game[magazine]

Adapting your software development tools, practices, and processes can be difficult, even overwhelming. The authors have studied and applied game-like processes and behaviors to help provide structure to software development adaptation. They propose a process strategy called the software development game to help teams who are faced with change.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl David McFadzean
Practical Security Testing for Web Applications[magazine]

It seems like every week the press has yet another story about security breaches or stolen data at some of the world’s largest companies or government agencies. Sometimes the responsibility for ensuring thorough security resides with an IT security group, and other times it gets outsourced altogether. The responsibility seldom falls to testing teams. However, this is changing. Having trained and experienced testers hunt for security bugs will make web applications safer from hackers and will further protect consumers, corporate assets, and brands.. Scott Aziz offers some practical techniques that will help you get started.

Scott Aziz's picture Scott Aziz
Surprise! Making the Most Out of Your Most Surprising Moments[magazine]

Lee Copeland explains that surprise is often an indicator that discovery, learning, or even delight may be just around the corner. The surprise itself can be amusing, enlightening, befuddling, disconcerting, or frightening, but surprise should not be the end of the experience; it should be the beginning. Analyze the surprise to learn why you didn't see it coming and what you gain from that.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Considering the Modern Technology Career Considering the Modern Technology Career[article]

The technical career ladder may be a quick climb, but what will you find at the top? Matthew Heusser looks at the lifespan, challenges, and opportunities of the modern tech career.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Automation: Process Comes First[article]

I recently wrote a short article on on about automation. After it was published I came across another related post by Jim Coplien which makes the point that automation should come after you have figured out your process.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk


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