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Transitioning Your Team to Kanban: Theory and Practice[presentation]

You’re familiar with agile and perhaps practicing Scrum. Now, you want to learn about Kanban to see if it is something to add to your development toolkit. Can Kanban help you? How does it differ from Scrum and other agile methodologies?

Gil Irizarry, Constant Contact Software
Adding Good User Experience Practices into Agile Development[presentation]

Whose job is it to ensure that the user has a good experience with a new application? As agile processes are taught today, the user experience (UX) design practice is usually left out or at best described as an optional team role.

Jeff Patton, Jeff Patton & Associates
Agile Architecture Practices for Large Scale Agile Development[presentation]

Although “agile architecture” may sound like an oxymoron to you, the reality is that a simple, elegant architecture is a key enabler of any successful system, particularly large scale ones.

Theresa Quatrani, IBM Rational
Agile Measures that Matter: What Are You Really Learning?[presentation]

“Speed” describes how fast an object is moving and let’s us compute the distance it has traveled. “Velocity” is different-it defines both speed and direction. So why do I meet so many teams who talk about their velocity but lack direction?

David Hussman, DevJam
Integrating Systems Thinking into Enterprise Agile[presentation]

While Scrum and XP have become very popular in agile development shops, most companies adopting them run into problems beyond just a few teams.

Alan Shalloway, Net Objectives
Automate to Accelerate: Planning Your Next Test Automation Steps[presentation]

Is your organization implementing test automation and not achieving the expected success? Are you spending too much effort rewriting scripts that don't hold up over time? Do your test plans sometimes look like random acts of automation?

Andrew Flick, Hewlett-Packard
Creating a Professional Credo: Aligning Career, Goals, and Personal Happiness[presentation]

In a world where technology is rapidly changing, development practices are quickly evolving, and teams are frequently reorganized, how can you remain steady and true to yourself?

Marlena Compton, Mozilla
Is Open Source Too Open? Tips for Implementing a Governance Program[presentation]

By next year, 90 percent of large enterprises will include open-source software as business critical elements of their IT portfolios.

Larry Roshfeld, Sonatype
Optimal Project Performance: Factors that Influence Project Duration[presentation]

Speedy delivery is almost always a primary project goal or a significant project constraint. To shorten project duration without sacrificing quality or budget, you need to know where to focus the team’s efforts.

Paul Below, QSM, Inc.
Why Self-reflection Matters![presentation]

All of us have experienced situations when we receive feedback. Some we readily accept; some we quickly reject. In a community that should be dedicated to constantly inspecting and adapting, why do we reject some feedback immediately?

Tricia Broderick, TechSmith Corporation
Better Software Conference West 2012: Writing High Quality Code[presentation]

Quality in delivered software is very different from quality in physical goods. You can see it or touch it, except in the code.

David Bernstein, To Be Agile
Lean Product Management: When Phase/Gate Is the Wrong Choice[presentation]

More than 70 percent of new software products fail or perform below expectations. Achieving product-market fit is essential-and doing it quickly and within budget increases your chances of success.

Greg Cohen, 280 Group
The Mis-education of Software Testers: Rethinking and Relearning Software Quality[presentation]

The role of the software tester is continuing to evolve, becoming more complex and more technical. As new methodologies, technologies, and platforms emerge, testers are bombarded with new, so-called "best practices" on how to do their jobs.

Clinton Sprauve, Micro Focus
Application Lifecycle Management Imperatives[presentation]

Ever growing software development needs and faster delivery cycles coupled with flat or shrinking IT budgets have brought many organizations to new agile and lean practices.

Monica Luke, IBM Rational Software
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference West 2012: Avoiding Overdesign and Underdesign[presentation]

The question of how much design to do up-front on a project is an engaging conundrum. Too much design often results in excess complexity and wasted effort.

Alan Shalloway, Net Objectives


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