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Software Development Productivity: A New Way of Thinking[presentation]

Just as John Steinbeck was able to identify the complex system of tides, eddies, and other currents that bring nutrients to support life in the Pacific Ocean, you need to do the same for the complex human system that builds software products.

Ray Arell, Intel Corporation
Developer-driven Quality: Putting Developers in the Drivers' Seat[presentation]

Although many software development teams rely on their QA/Test departments to uncover critical product defects near the end of development, we all recognize the inefficiency of this approach.

Colby Litnak, MasterControl, Inc.
ALM in the Cloud: Bringing Code to the Cloud and Back Again[presentation]

The deployment destination for today’s applications is going through its biggest transition since the rise of the application server.

Mik Kersten, Tasktop Technologies
How to Rework Poorly Defined Requirements[presentation]

Poorly defined requirements are even more dangerous than no requirements because they offer the illusion that all is well during development.

Steve Caseley, CBTNuggets
When the Pressure Is On: A Risk-based Approach to Project Management[presentation]

Teams everywhere have experienced tight deadlines for software development projects. In such time-constrained situations, how can you systematically determine where to focus the team’s efforts?

Rean Young, Kroger Company
Selecting the Right Mobile Testing Solution: Practical Considerations and Proven Practices[presentation]

Because the mobile market is extremely dynamic, maintaining consistent application quality is always difficult.

Eran Yaniv, Perfecto Mobile
Leaping into the Cloud: Risks and Mitigation Strategies[presentation]

The cloud has rapidly gone from “that thing I should know something about” to the “centerpiece of our five-year corporate IT strategy.” However, cloud computing is still in its infancy.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Ten Tips to Get Requirements Right and Make Stakeholders Happy[presentation]

Have you ever delivered an application with functionality that was not what the stakeholders really wanted-or needed? Have you ever discovered that you were listening to the wrong people?

Carol Askew, Intermountain Healthcare
Seven Habits of Highly Successful Project Managers[presentation]

It is easy to find a million ways that software development and project managers can let down their teams and their projects.

Ken Whitaker, Leading Software Maniacs
Mobile Apps: Breaking Down the Barriers[presentation]

Mobile application development introduces additional complexity when compared to building traditional applications.

Todd DeCapua, Shunra
Cloud Computing 101: Concepts, Benefits, Challenges, and Costs[presentation]

Cloud computing is a paradigm that makes the notion of utility computing a reality.

Arlene Minkiewicz, PRICE Systems
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference West 2012: EARS: The Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax[presentation]

One key to specifying effective functional requirements is minimizing misinterpretation and ambiguity.

John Terzakis, Intel Corporation
Context-driven Leadership: How to Ride a Bull through a China Shop[presentation]

Software development projects are just different. They’re often high-risk ventures with extremely complex interrelationships, filled with uncertainties, dependent on scarce knowledge workers, and much more.

Kent McDonald, Knowledge Bridge Partners
The Paths to Innovation[presentation]

There are many paths to innovation. At one extreme, many large companies create research labs, staff them with world-class Ph.D.s, and set them working for years to solve complex technical problems.

Patrick Copeland, Google, Inc.
Sustainable Software Quality-at Warp Speed[presentation]

Businesses demand high levels of product quality, development productivity, planning reliability, employee satisfaction, and customer loyalty.

Richard Hensley, McKesson Health Solutions


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