The Latest

Testing in the Mobile Environment: A Functional View[presentation]

Everyone is talking about mobile testing these days. Testers are focused on the vast and growing number of devices and how to do testing right in this fast-changing technology.

Karen Johnson, Software Test Management, Inc.
Talking Quality to Business: Metrics for Improvement[presentation]

Are your testing and quality assurance activities adding significant value in the eyes of your stakeholders? Do you have difficulty convincing decision-makers that they need to invest more in improving quality?

Todd Brasel, Pitney Bowes
Automated Software Testing for Embedded Systems[presentation]

Test automation for an embedded system presents a unique set of challenges. For starters, it requires a specialized set of automation tools that may be expensive or hard to come by.

David Palm, Trane
Enhancing Collaboration through Acceptance Tests[presentation]

Even though acceptance testing principles and tools are common today, teams often stumble during implementation. In the worst cases, acceptance tests start to feel like a burden rather than a boon.

Paul Nelson, ThoughtWorks, Inc.
Test Process Improvement with the TMMi® Model[presentation]

The Test Maturity Model integration® (TMMi®) model, developed to complement the CMMI® framework, is rapidly becoming the test process improvement model of choice in Europe, Asia, and the US.

Erik Veenendaal, Improve Quality Services BV
Best Practices for Implementing Crowdsourced Testing[presentation]

Global markets, quick time to market, and a feature-rich design are major drivers in determining many products’ success.

Rajini Padmanaban, QA InfoTech
Performance Testing Earlier in the Software Development Lifecycle[presentation]

Historically, performance testing has been relegated to simply adding a few weeks to the back end of a project to run a series of prescripted tests.

Eric Gee, Raymond James & Associates
Agile Testing: What Would Deming Do?[presentation]

Through his quality practices, Edwards Deming transformed Japanese industry in the 1950s and later American industry, proving that building quality intrinsically into a product dramatically lowers costs.

Mark Strange, Wood Cliff Consulting
End-to-End Test Automation of ERP Software: A Case Study[presentation]

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages, which have become a mainstay in many businesses, increase in complexity with each release. Most testers are turning to automation to ease the burdens of testing these packages.

David Dang, Zenergy Technologies
The Dirty Secret of Formal Software Testing[presentation]

Arguably, James Bach has done some of the most rigorous testing that anyone has done in software testing-testing for court cases that are closely scrutinized by teams of lawyers.

James Bach, Satisfice, Inc.
Moving to the Next Level: From Tester to Visionary Manager[presentation]

Would you like to chart a better course for your test team but don’t know where to begin? Before you can plan for a better future and take your team to the next level, you first must know where you are.

George Viegas, Thomson Reuters
Surviving or Thriving: Top Ten Lessons for a Professional Tester[presentation]

As testers and test managers we often find ourselves struggling to survive within our organization-sometimes with the possibility of outsourcing or offshoring just around the corner.

Lloyd Roden, Lloyd Roden Consultancy
Simple and Informative Performance Tests You Can Do Now[presentation]

When most people think of performance testing, they think about the hard-or the very, very hard-parts, those expensive and complicated tools that simulate the activity of thousands of end-users while collecting tens or hundreds of thousands o

Scott Barber, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
STAREAST 2012: Session-based Exploratory Testing on Agile Projects[presentation]

One of the challenges associated with testing in agile projects is selecting test techniques that “fit” the dynamic nature of agile practices. How much functional and non-functional testing should you do?

Bob Galen, iContact Corp
Test Automation in a Mixed Software/Firmware Environment[presentation]

Test automation is an attractive choice for dealing with regression testing, high-volume repetitive testing, data-driven testing, and high risk software that needs its tests to be strictly repeatable.

Christopher Crapo, Boston Scientific


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