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Agile Testing Practices[presentation]

On agile teams, testing is an ongoing activity-not a phase or a role. Even today many agile development teams struggle with this concept.

Janet Gregory, DragonFire, Inc.
Launch and Grow Your Test Automation[presentation]

Situation: Your company needs test automation yesterday-but has little or no automation experience and a small budget.

Paul Parsons, Neovest, Inc.
Creating a Risk-based Testing Strategy[presentation]

An efficient test finds the most important defects as early as possible and at the lowest possible cost. The challenge for many of us is determining which tests are most important to execute and when to perform them.

Mary LeMieux-Ruibal, Sogeti USA
One QA Team's Journey from No Process to Continuous Feedback and Improvement[presentation]

You'll learn a lot at STAREAST but do you know how you are going to systematically incorporate your new ideas into actions that will work back at the shop? Can you identify and evaluate the current state of your test process today?

Jan Fish, Quality Metric
The Power of “Pull” Conversations[article]

My team has been looking for ways to make sure we understand what our business stakeholders really want from each software feature that we develop. We felt that we had to solve a basic communication problem but didn’t know how to approach that.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Storycrafting: From Idea to Action in the Face of Unknowns[magazine]

To see an endeavor through to completion, you need vision and the skills to execute it. Inspired by the software craftsmanship movement, which is making great strides on the skills front, Nancy Van Schooenderwoert has been developing a practice she calls “storycrafting” to create a clear vision.

Testing Trends: Cloud, Virtualization, and Mobility[presentation]

Almost daily, we see reports of software failures that harm enterprises and impact the brand, putting testing organizations and their efforts in the spotlight.

Theresa Lanowitz, voke, Inc.
What Managers Think They Know about Test Automation-But Don't[presentation]

Managers play a critical role in the success or failure of test automation.

Dorothy Graham, Consultant
Evaluating Testing: The Qualitative Way[presentation]

For years, testers and managers alike have wrestled with the problem of evaluating software products and testing efforts, often using approaches derived from manufacturing, construction, and physical sciences.

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Bridging the Gap: Leading Change in a Community of Testers[presentation]

When Keith Klain took over Barclays Capital Global Test Center, he found an organization focused entirely on managing projects, managing processes, and managing stakeholders-the last most unsuccessfully.

Keith Klain, Barclays Capital Global Test Center
No Silver Bullet? Silver Buckshot May Work[presentation]

During Greg Pope’s forty years in the industry, many great processes and new tools have been promoted by incredibly gifted people. It seems that someone is always promising a cure all-the proverbial “silver bullet”-for software woes.

Gregory Pope, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Enterprise DevOps: Breaking Down the Barriers between Development and IT Operations[presentation]

Agile processes were originally designed to break down the barriers among users, programmers, and testers.

Jez Humble, ThoughtWorks Inc
Mission Critical Agility[presentation]

Whether it is controlling interplanetary spacecraft, managing medical records, or "merely" staying in business, it seems that more of us are facing the pressure of building and managing mission-critical systems and teams.

Jeff Norris, NASA
Using Agile Principles to Run Your Organization[presentation]

As agile methods have become increasingly popular for managing projects and portfolios of projects, it's natural to wonder what other management challenges agile can tackle.

Jeffery Payne, Coveros, Inc.
End and Then Begin Again[article]

Shweta Darbha explains how teams can review their work and improve themselves after the completion of key projects or after they have adopted Scrum. Learn how your own team could benefit by following this practice after your next project.

Shweta Darbha


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