The Latest

Using Technical Debt to Predict Product Value[presentation]

Overly complex code? Duplicate code? Inherent coupling? Been there, done that.

Emad Georgy, Experian
Avoiding Over-design and Under-design[presentation]

The question of how much-or how little-design to do up-front on a project often leads to a conundrum. Too much design often results in overkill engineering that results in extra complexity and wasted effort.

Cory Foy, Net Objectives
Transform Your Innovation Thinking[presentation]

Innovation is a word tossed around frequently in organizations today.

Jennifer Bonine, Up Ur Game Learning Solutions
Agile Development Conference East 2011: A Software Quality Engineering Maturity Model[presentation]

You are probably familiar with maturity models for software development such as CMMI.

Gregory Pope, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Testing in the Cloud: Is it Right For You?[presentation]

Finally, software testing in the cloud is not just for dreamers anymore! Join Andrew Pollner to explore why and how cloud-based testing is emerging as a viable alternative to replace or complement traditional testing platforms.

Andrew Pollner, ALP International Corp
From Problem to Solution : The Continuum Between Requirements and Design[presentation]

By learning the best mechanics for getting from problem-business needs and requirements-to solution-architecture and design-your team can turbo-charge its development process to generate the most creative and innovative solutions.

Christopher Brandt, Moneris Solutions
Managing Across the Miles: The Keys to Leading Offshore Test Teams[presentation]

Is your company experiencing difficulty and frustration with its offshore project teams? Are your teams not consistently performing well? Are the results not what was expected?

Gerie Owen, NSTAR, Inc.
Mobile Applications Security[presentation]

Mobile applications enable millions of users to have more fun, be more productive, and interact with their world in more ways than ever before.

Scott Matsumoto, Cigital
Leaping into "The Cloud": Rewards, Risks, and Mitigations[presentation]

The cloud has rapidly gone from "that thing I should know something about" to the "centerpiece of our corporate IT five-year strategy." However, cloud computing is still in its infancy.

Ken Johnston, Microsoft Corporation
Nonfunctional Requirements: Forgotten, Neglected, Misunderstood[presentation]

Nonfunctional requirements-interfaces, design and implementation constraints, and quality attributes such as performance, usability, robustness, and more-are essential to build the right product, right.

Ellen Gottesdiener, EBG Consulting, Inc.
When to Ship: Determining Application Readiness[presentation]

When do you ship an application and expose it to your customers and users? The answer seems simple-you ship it when it's ready.

Peter Varhol, Seapine Software Inc
Eight Limitations of Mobile Platforms[presentation]

Soon mobile devices will be able to do most everything, right? Although it's fun to talk about how much mobile devices can or will do soon, limitations and constraints remain now and will for a long time.

Jacob Stevens, Quardev, Inc.
Cloud Enabled Development: Making Fast Go Faster[presentation]

As software development teams seek greater efficiency and effectiveness, they often find that they are held back by old IT architecture for development and test.

Sundar Raghavan, Skytap, Inc.
Beyond Business Analysis: Becoming A Trusted Business Advisor[presentation]

Stand in a room full of business analysts and you are bound to hear the phrase "gather and document requirements" way too often.

Kent McDonald, Knowledge Bridge Partnes
Agile Requirements: Not an Oxymoron[presentation]

Agile processes were originally designed to break down the barriers among users, programmers, and testers.

Ellen Gottesdiener, EBG Consulting, Inc.


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