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Pivot, Pilot, and Adapt Pivot, Pilot, and Adapt[article]

Anupam Kundu and Maneesh Subherwal explain how to operate in a global, hyper-competitive world while avoiding risk-laden experiments and other "stupid" strategies.

Management Myth #4: I Don't Need One-on-Ones[article]

One-on-ones aren’t for status reports. They aren’t just for knowing all the projects. They are for feedback and coaching, and meta-feedback and meta-coaching, and for fine-tuning the organization. If you are a manager and you aren’t using one-on-ones, you are not using the most important management tool you have.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Why Does Management Care About Velocity?[article]

I’ve been talking to people whose management cares about their velocity. “My management wants us to double our velocity.” Or, “My management wants us to do more in a sprint.” Or, “My management wants to know when we will be a hyper-performing team, so they want to know when we will get 12x velocity like Scrum promised.” But let’s understand what management really wants.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Exploratory Testing in an Agile World: An Interview with Matt Barcomb[interview]

Matt Barcomb works at LeanDog where he is passionate about building collaborative cross-functional teams and finding ways to make the business-software universe a better place to work, play, and do business. Heather Shanholtzer talked to Matt about exploratory testing in an agile project.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
Good Architecture, Good Leadership[article]

Software architects have the unique ability to provide leadership using skills gained in this role. Drawing on Kouzes and Posner's The Leadership Challenge, Patrick Bailey examines five practices that can be leveraged by the aspiring architect-as-leader.

Patrick Bailey's picture Patrick Bailey
Holding Pattern[magazine]

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
FAQ: Do I Need to Program to be a Tester on an Agile Team?[magazine]

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Janet Gregory answers one of the questions students ask her most often.

Janet Gregory's picture Janet Gregory
Streamlining Cloud Based Testing[presentation]

On-premise vis-a-vis Cloud based testing. Look at various cloud based performance testing models, advantages, and pitfalls in performance testing from Cloud. SandStorm - cloud based performance testing solution.

Shirish Bhale, Impetus
STAREAST 2012 Keynote: Bridging the Gap: Leading Change in a Community of Testers[presentation]

When Keith Klain took over Barclays Capital Global Test Center, he found an organization focused entirely on managing projects, managing processes, and managing stakeholders—the last most unsuccessfully.

Keith Klain, Barclays Capital Global Test Center
Overcome Mobile Testing Challenges[presentation]

The importance of automated testing. Mobile fuctional testing with Emulators or Real Devices. Mobile performance testing and factoring in network conditions.

John Jeremiah, Mobile Solutions & Performance Center, HP
STAREAST 2012 Keynote: Evaluating Testing: The Qualitative Way[presentation]

Testers and managers have wrestled with the problem of evaluating software products and testing efforts, often using approaches derived from manufacturing, construction, and physical sciences. These approaches have been partially successful because software products aren't physical products.

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense Inc.
Oracle's Approach to Application and Infrastructure Testing: Strategies and Best Practices[presentation]

Learn from our application testing experiences. We've integrated these lessons into our own Application Quality Management solutions. These solutions support a new, time-saving and risk-averse approach to testing Oracle application and infrastructure.

Mughees Minhas, Oracle
STAREAST 2012 Keynote: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Lightning Talks are a very popular part of many STAR conferences. Lightning Talk sessions consist of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period and are the opportunity to deliver their single biggest bang-for-the-buck idea in a rapid-fire presentation.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Software Testing Using Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional[presentation]

Help simplify the entire development process, from design to deployment. Bring a vision to life using powerful prototyping, modeling, and design tools. Work more efficiently with integrated testing and debugging tools that enable delivery of high-quality solutions.

Charles Sterling, Microsoft
STAREAST 2012 Keynote: Testing Trends: Cloud, Virtualization, and Mobility[presentation]

Almost daily, we see reports of software failures that harm enterprises and impact the brand, putting testing organizations and their efforts in the spotlight. Fortunately, testers are now in one of the most exciting times in the software industry’s history!

Theresa Lanowitz, voke, inc.


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