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A Crowdsourcing Success Story[presentation]

Today, many organizations are using crowdsourcing to develop and test their products. Anu Kak presents an overview of how eBay has applied this concept both internally and externally to improve their development and testing.

Anu Kak, PayPal, Inc.
Cloud Computing: Powering the Future of Testing[presentation]

With the advent of agile development processes, the expected cycle time for building and shipping quality software has been cut dramatically. Yet, much of the IT infrastructure testing used has remained the same for most companies.

Sundar Raghavan, Skytap
STARWEST 2011: Seven Key Factors for Agile Testing Success[presentation]

What do testers need to do differently to be successful on an agile project? How can agile development teams employ testers’ skills and experience for maximum value to the project?

Janet Gregory, DragonFire, Inc.
Test Automation Magic: Pushing the Frontiers[presentation]

The evolutionary cycle of test automation appears to have hit a plateau. Krishna Iyer and Mukesh Mulchandani believe it is time to push the frontiers again for another cycle of improvements.

Krishna Iyer, ZenTEST Labs
STARWEST 2011: Lightning Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Lightning Talks have been a very popular part of many STAR conferences throughout the years.

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
Testing Lessons from Comic Book Superheroes[presentation]

Over the years, Rob Sabourin has discovered testing lessons in diverse places-the Simpsons, the Great Detectives, and Dr. Seuss. Join Rob for a raucous, new adventure as he shares his testing lessons from the world of comic book superheroes.

Robert Sabourin,
I Didn't Know I Knew That: A Story of Self-Learning[presentation]

During our testing careers, many of us are given the "opportunity" to test a system with which we have no experience-where the domain, the technology, or both are completely new to us.

David Hayman, Qual IT
All That Testing Is Getting in the Way of Quality[presentation]

"You can't test in quality" is so cliché that it has to be true. Testing is an inherently negative discipline. It never proves quality has been attained-only that it has not.

James Whittaker, Google
Automated Testing: The Differentiators of Success[presentation]

While automated testing is not new, it has undergone a resurgence in recent years. A combination of matured technology and continually increasing pressure to deliver more value has put a greater focus on finding efficiencies within testing.

Nazar Hossain, Zarieas
Google's New Methodology for Risk-driven Testing[presentation]

Risk mitigation and risk analysis are delicious ingredients in a recipe Google calls risk-driven testing.

Sebastian Schiavone, Google, Inc.
Test Estimation and the Art of Negotiation[presentation]

Many of us have struggled with test estimation. We have tried simple, heuristic models to craft a best guess-often without much success. We have also tried using a variety of complex, scientific models to calculate an accurate number.

Nancy Kelln, Unimagined Testing
John McConda Testing in a Regulated World: An Interview with John McConda[interview]

John McConda is a senior consultant for Moser Consulting and cofounder of the Workshop on Regulated Software Testing (WREST). In this interview, Heather Shanholtzer and John talk about the challenges testers face in the regulated world and what participants can expect during a WREST session.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
Agile2011: Adam Sroka—Jokes, JavaScript, and My First Employee[article]

Adam and Bob Payne chat about the JavaScript, the federated wiki, and a wide variety of topics as usual.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Celebrating Making the Most of Both Kanban and Lean Startup: Making the Most of Both[article]

Alexei Zheglov reflects on his startup experience and David Anderson’s kanban method in light of Eric Ries’ lean startup movement. Making the most of both approaches requires understanding how they relate to each other.

Alexei Zheglov
Dear Author[article]

In my role as technical editor for and as a reviewer for my trusted colleagues, I have the opportunity to read drafts of articles and some books. I see some troublesome behavior. I know it because I exhibit it. In all cases, the author receives feedback the author doesn’t like, but doesn’t want to stop writing.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman


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