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Managing Intrateam Dysfunction[presentation]

Inspired by her years of consulting with large and small test teams, Dawn Haynes shares her observations of the most common and troublesome dysfunctions within software project teams-absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avo

Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Practical Threat Modeling: Engaging Testers Early[presentation]

Threat modeling is one of the most important activities that development and test teams should perform as part of a security development lifecycle.

Edward Bonver, Symantec Corporation
Mobile Testing: Old Wine in a New Bottle?[presentation]

In the enterprise, mobile adoption is increasing at a fast pace-and so are the concerns about security, reliability, and quality for the software that drives mobile devices.

Manish Mathuria, InfoStretch Corporation
Be the Tester Your Dog Thinks You Are[presentation]

Most of us grew up wanting to be firemen or astronauts or teachers-not testers. Eric Jacobson, an average guy and not incredibly technical, loves software testing and his career in testing as much as his dog loves him.

Eric Jacobson, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
STARWEST 2011: Test Process Improvement on a Shoestring[presentation]

In most organizations cost reduction is still the number one motivation for test process improvement.

Martin Pol, Polteq Test Services B.V.
Risk-based Testing: When You Can't Test It All[presentation]

Testers everywhere have experienced this scenario-the development cycle slips and now testing gets two weeks instead of four to complete its work.

Rean Young, Kroger Company
Establishing a Testing Center of Excellence: The Pros and Cons[presentation]

Many testing organizations view implementing a Testing Center of Excellence (TCoE) as a positive step toward providing better service to their clients.

Raja Neravati, AppLabs
Testing on the Toilet: A Success Story from STARWEST 2007[presentation]

As testers, we often need to inform and educate our colleagues about the fundamentals of testing. The challenge is not just to get their attention for five minutes; the goal is to continually reinforce the benefit and techniques for testing.

Mette Bruhn-Pedersen, Bruhn-Pedersen Consulting
Hardware Bound: Testing with Limited Access to Resources[presentation]

If you are challenged to test software applications with limited or no access to the hardware on which they operate in production, this session is for you.

Scott Miles, Gatan Inc.
STARWEST 2011: Quantifying the Value of Static Analysis[presentation]

During the past ten years, static analysis tools have become a vital part of software development for many organizations.

William Oliver, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Model-based Testing: The Next Generation[presentation]

Spotify is a music streaming service offering high-quality, instant access to music from a range of major and independent record labels.

Alexander Andelkovic, Spotify
Crowdsourced Testing: An Emerging Model for Serious Testing[presentation]

Crowdsourcing has emerged as a startlingly effective by-product of social networking and the web.

Manoj Narayanan, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Offshore and Outsourced Test Automation Adventures[presentation]

Organizations look at two ways to reduce repetitive testing costs-automation and offshoring.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
Virtualization of Test Labs[presentation]

Frank Lanciotto shares his experience with Aetna's creation of "world class" quality testing platforms using virtual technology in conjunction with physical devices.

Frank Lanciotto, Aetna/Enterprise Testing & Quality Assurance
A Holistic Way to Measure Quality[presentation]

Have your executives ever asked you to measure product quality? Is there a definitive way to measure application quality in relation to customer satisfaction?

Jennifer Bonine, Up Ur Game Learning Solutions


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