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Security Testing: The Foundations and More[presentation]

Your organization is doing well with functional, usability, and performance testing. However, you know that software security is a key part of your assurance and compliance strategy for protecting applications and critical data.

Alan Crouch, Coveros, Inc.
Test Management for Cloud Applications[presentation]

The "cloud" can deliver services over the Internet in three flavors-software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

Ruud Teunissen, Polteq Test Services B.V.
Software Testing in the Cloud: Issues and Opportunities[presentation]

Cloud computing offers virtualized hardware, unlimited storage, and built-in software services that can aid in reducing the execution time of large test suites.

Scott Tilley, Florida Institute of Technology
STAREAST 2012: The Tester's Role in Agile Planning[presentation]

If testers sit passively through agile planning, important testing activities will be missed or glossed over. Testing late in the sprint becomes a bottleneck, quickly diminishing the advantages of agile development.

Rob Sabourin,
Experience-driven Test Automation[presentation]

Is this presentation yet another "approach: to test automation? No, it isn't. Instead, Mark Fewster shares his and others’ experiences with test automation so you can capitalize on good ideas and avoid useless ones.

Mark Fewster, Grove Consultants
Test Scenarios for Data-centric Systems[presentation]

Analysis and testing for data warehouse and business intelligence (BI) projects typically confirm that data was correctly mapped and can be accessed as intended. Such work is absolutely necessary, though not sufficient.

Sue Burk, EBG Consulting
STAREAST 2012: Testing in the DevOps World of Continuous Delivery[presentation]

DevOps is an increasingly popular approach to ensure that the delivered code is stable, capable of working as advertised, and available in production immediately.

Manoj Narayanan, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Improving Quality: One Weekend at a Time[presentation]

What if there were a way that testers could practice the craft of testing and learn from mentors all over the world? A way they could tackle interesting problems with both novices and experienced testers participating together?

Michael Larsen,
Integrating a Cloud Solution into Your Test Environment[presentation]

Cloud computing is THE big buzzword in the computing industry today. At Gerdau, they have chosen a cloud computing solution for their ongoing test environment strategy, employing an outsourced infrastructure vendor.

Jim Trentadue, Gerdau
You Can't Spell Agile Testing without "ET"[presentation]

Do you ever get that creeping feeling there is more to agile testing than automating it? Have you wondered how you should test quality considerations beyond the story cards?

Lanette Creamer, Spark Quality, LLC
Test Design for Automation[presentation]

Automation is often seen as a technical challenge-a matter of applying the right technology, tools, and smart programming talent.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear Corporation
Exploring Old-fashioned Test Design Techniques[presentation]

Structured test design techniques have been around almost as long as testing itself. Some people even call them old school and out-of-date.

Ruud Teunissen, Polteq Test Services B.V.
Making Distributed Testing Teams Work[presentation]

Working with distributed testing teams can cause extreme frustration, slower releases, and even outright project failures. However, it doesn't have to be that way.

Jim Holmes, Telerik
STAREAST 2012: Concurrent Testing Games: Developers and Testers Working Together[presentation]

The best software development teams find ways for programmers and testers to work closely together. These teams recognize that programmers and testers each bring their own unique strengths and perspectives to the project.

Nate Oster, CodeSquads LLC
The New Mindset for Testing Cloud-based Applications[presentation]

The "cloud" is the new kid on the block. So, how exactly does testing cloud-based applications differ from testing traditional applications?

Charles Sterling, Microsoft Corporation


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