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Edit Those Epics[article]

It can be tricky for managers and technical leaders to make the transition to agile. They’re likely accustomed to doing things a particular way. What’s more, they may try to squeeze their old ways into the new, agile approach. Here, Johanna Rothman describes why that isn’t a good idea, especially regarding stories that are too big.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Agile or Not: How to Get Things Done[article]

Agile software development always felt intuitive to me. Developing software incrementally, in close collaboration with the customer is the obvious way to deal with the uncertainty inherent in both software requirements and implementation. The technical practices of automating necessary but time consuming tests, and deploying, early and often are the obvious ways to give an team the ability to evaluate the  functionality you have and to to decide if the software works as expected. And it's also important to decide if what you built still makes sense given the current environment.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
drawing a flow chart Getting to "Done" in Agile Development[article]

When the tasks in the "Done" column needed more attention, the team created a "Done Done" column. Later, they created a "Done Done Done" column. In this article, Brian Bozzuto discusses how you can stop adding columns and honestly get to "done" without having to kid yourself.

Brian  Bozzuto's picture Brian Bozzuto
More on Being Done[article]

Continuing the conversation from last week, Andy Singleton followed up on my post on being done with this post. Which is good as this is one of those questions that sounds simple in theory, but in practice contains some subtlety.

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
When Software Smells Bad[magazine]

Most software needs to be "maintainable" and have high "internal quality." But what does that mean in practical terms? Code smells form a vocabulary for discussing code quality and how well suited code might be to change. The smells also provide good indications as to what to refactor and how.

Raising The Bar For Configuration Management[magazine]

Configuration management (CM) has matured into a "must-have" discipline. But, many CM experts have failed to keep up with what's required to implement CM best practices. Find out what needs to be done to raise the bar for CM.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Ask To See His ...[magazine]

Most managers would consider management far too complicated to script. But the five key components of management—planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and controlling—are practiced just as often in testing. So, let's see some of those management scripts.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Designing an Agile Portfolio and Program Coordination System[magazine]

Scaling Agile to the enterprise can be challenging once you start looking at the Program and Portfolio level. How do you design an effective coordination system that encourages collaboration, communication, transparency and is flexible, easy to implement and rapidly evolvable? We will explore key aspects of creating a simple but effective agile-ready coordination system for managing such initiatives, based upon the authors' observations and experiences across widely differing companies.

Arlen Bankston's picture Arlen Bankston Bob Payne
Imaginary Friends: Creating Software with Personas[magazine]

We all want to satisfy our users, but tailoring software to customers is easier said than done. Personas—a method to synthesize your primary users into abstract entities—facilitates understanding of goals and experiences.

Shmuel Gershon
What Does "Being Done" Really Mean in Software Development?[article]

Agile New England (which used to be called the New England Agile Bazaar, and which was started by Ken Schwaber) , has this wonderful activity before the main event each month: they host Agile 101 sessions, where people who know something about agile lead a short (30 minutes) small (about 10 people) class on agile basics for those who want to learn more about some aspect of agile. 

Steve Berczuk's picture Steve Berczuk
The Agile Success Factor: Continuous Integration[article]

Kirk Knoernschild discusses the subtle though significant ways that continuous integration can be leveraged—from helping to align IT with the business to enforcing architectural constraints—and shows that this fundamental aspect of agility is the defining and necessary element of a truly agile development experience.

Kirk Knoernschild
One-Minute Management and Project Teams[article]

Managing expectations and providing useful feedback are incredibly important skills for managers, whether you’re dealing with one employee or many. In this article, Laura Brandenburg takes a closer look at how some of the principles from the book The One Minute Manager apply to project teams.

Laura Brandenburg's picture Laura Brandenburg
Innovate Successfully by Creating a Lean, Minimal Product[article]

Investing in a new product always involves risk. We may have targeted the wrong market segment, envisioned the wrong product or the wrong features, or the market may have changed by the time the product is launched.

Roman Pichler
Assessing a Selected Agile Method Assessing an Organization’s Capability to Effectively Implement Its Selected Agile Method[article]

Shvetha Soundararajan and Dr. James D. Arthur write that the agile philosophy provides an organization or a team with the flexibility to adopt a selected subset of principles and practices. However, more often than not, these customized approaches fail to reflect the agile principles associated with the practices.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
A Productivity Comparison of Kanban and Scrum[article]

Charles Suscheck compares the levels of productivity of Scrum and Kanban through a hands-on experiment that he and his team personally participated in. Learn the upsides and warnings about each practice to help you decide what might work best for you and your team on your next project.

Charles Suscheck's picture Charles Suscheck


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