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Test-driven Development: Achieving Testable Code[presentation]

Test-driven Development (TDD) has proven valuable on many development projects for more than ten years. Unfortunately, even today, many teams do not practice it.

David Yancey, Sogeti, Int
Agile Leadership: Where Do Managers Fit?[presentation]

When adopting agile software development, many of the agile roles and practices focus on the team and its members. So, where does that leave the managers-project managers, software managers, IT directors, etc?

Skip Angel, BigVisible Solutions
Agile Development & Better Software West 2011: Agile Testing: Challenges Beyond the Easy Contexts[presentation]

Don't let anyone tell you differently: Agile testing is hard! First, we have to get over the misconception that you don't need testers within agile teams.

Bob Galen, iContact
Cautionary Tales from Failed Scrum Adoptions[presentation]

Although Scrum has become an integral software project management tool in many organizations, not all adoptions have gone well-or as well as they could have.

Robert Sabourin,
Virtual Tour of an Embedded Agile Team[presentation]

Embedded systems development often includes special challenges: software tightly coupled to rapidly evolving hardware, an end customer with whom you cannot interact, a long period of infrastructure building before any business-value features

Nancy Van Schooenderwoert, Lean Agile Partners, Inc.
Writing Excellent Executable Requirements[presentation]

Many teams build software that does not behave as their customers and users want-and expect. To build the right software the first time, teams need more than written user stories or even detailed specs.

Eric Landes, Press Ganey
Growing and Nurturing Coaching for Sustained Agility[presentation]

Where agile thrives, great coaching is present. Whether formal or informal, coaching is a key ingredient for successful and lasting agility. Unfortunately, many people call themselves coaches yet they fail to do any real, helpful coaching.

David Hussman, DevJam
Beyond a Scrum of Scrums: Scaling Up Agile with Kanban[presentation]

Backlogs, story point planning, sprints, and retrospectives-Scrum describes processes that work well at the team level. But more is needed to integrate multiple scrum teams that must work closely together.

Gil Irizarry, Constant Contact Software
Continuous Integration: Do It Continuously[presentation]

No matter when it happens, integrating components is difficult.

Steven List, ThoughtWorks Inc
The Art of User Storytelling[presentation]

Agilists employ user stories as a way to capture user requirements and drive the planning process for iterative and incremental delivery of software.

Fadi Stephan, Excella Consulting
Getting Executive Management on the Agile Bus[presentation]

Much of the focus on agile transitions is on the team. However, the business side of an organization and the managers that lead it are not particularly interested in the mechanisms of agile teams and processes.

Alan Shalloway, Net Objectives
The Secrets of Scrum Success: What the Books Don't Tell You[presentation]

You've heard the hype about Scrum: 300% increases in productivity, huge reductions in defects, happy employees, and delighted customers.

Mitch Lacey, Mitch Lacey and Associates, Inc.
The Business and Test Analysts' Guide to Acceptance Test Driven Development[presentation]

On traditional software teams, business analysts define requirements in batches, describe them in big documents, and deliver them to developers and testers.

Dale Emery, DHE
Agile Requirements Engineering: When User Stories Are Not Enough[presentation]

Agile projects commonly capture customer needs via user stories-placeholders for future conversations about those needs.

Colin Doyle, MKS Inc.
Practices, Principles, and Values: Moving Beyond Dogma to What Works[presentation]

The concept of software process improvement is not new. Many methods have been defined to conduct and pursue improvement. We never seem to lack for “improvement” ideas, as if they are fresh and exciting-which they often are not.

Hillel Glazer, Entinex, Inc.


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