The Latest

Deception and Estimating: How We Fool Ourselves[presentation]

Cognitive scientists tell us that we are hardwired for deception-overly optimistic about outcomes. In fact, we surely wouldn't have survived without this trait.

Linda Rising, Independent Consultant
Software Design in the 21st Century[presentation]

Over the past decade or so we've seen important new ideas added to the mix of software design practices to help us produce better software. Design Patterns help us capture the design solutions and reveal a rationale for using them.

Martin Fowler, ThoughtWorks Inc
The Essential Product Owner: Partnering with the Team[presentation]

Over the past decade or so we've seen important new ideas added to the mix of software design practices to help us produce better software. Design Patterns help us capture the design solutions and reveal a rationale for using them.

Bob Galen, iContact
Building Great Teams[presentation]

What allows some teams to deliver results that far exceed expectations? How do these groups differ from most others? What can group members and leaders do to enable these extraordinary experiences?

Geoff Bellman, GMB Associates, Ltd.
Questioning Best Practices: The Story of One Test Team's Transformation[presentation]

John McConda presents the story of a test team that challenged the notion of best practices and came out more focused, efficient, and effective.

John McConda, Moser Consulting
Understanding and Using Code Metrics[presentation]

Have you heard any of these from your development staff or said them yourself?

Joel Tosi, VersionOne, Inc.
Quality Requirements: Succeeding with Waterfall Releases[presentation]

While there is much excitement surrounding agile, many complex or outsourced projects do not fare well under agile.

Filip Syzmanski, HP Software and Solutions
Risk-based Development with Standards-compliant Software[presentation]

When challenged with designing and developing standards-compliant software using a risk-based approach, it is essential to understand regulatory law, industry best practices, and the consensus standards recognized by regulatory bodies (FDA, I

Thomas Bento, Certified Compliance Solutions
Defect Prevention: A Tester's Role[presentation]

Software delivery schedules are getting shorter and shorter as companies attempt to deliver products to their customers at a blinding pace.

Mike Ennis, Accenture
Sleep Better at Night: A Release Confidence Metric[presentation]

A project manager decides a product is good enough to release-that it will be successful in the marketplace or the business. The manager is basing this judgment on confidence in the product.

Terry Morrish, Synacor
Specifying Effective Non-functional Requirements[presentation]

Non-functional requirements present unique challenges for authors, reviewers, and testers.

John Terzakis, Intel Massachusetts
Focusing Testing on Business Needs[presentation]

Many testers mourn the state of their state-undervalued, unrespected, and often excluded from important project conversations.

Selena Delesie, Delesie Solutions
Evaluating the Quality of Requirements: A Primer for Independent Verification[presentation]

Would you tell your publisher to stop editing in the middle of your manuscript and publish your novel now? Of course not! Then, why would you tell your QA/test team to stop identifying problems with requirements documentation?

Donald Haynes, Modis
Carrot and Sticks: What Incentives Really Work?[presentation]

It's surprising how little of the research around incentives has made it into regular management practice. Widespread belief is that the debate is first about carrots vs. sticks and then about the kinds of carrots or sticks.

Linda Rising, Independent Consultant
Implementing a Security-focused Development Lifecycle[presentation]

Assaults against digital assets are unquestionably on the rise. If you create applications that handle valuable assets, your code WILL be attacked.

Cassio Goldschmidt, Symantec Corporation


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