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Real-time Test Design for Exploratory Testing[presentation]

Exploratory testing is a form of unscripted testing that mixes concurrent learning with rapid, iterative test design, and test execution.

Paul Carvalho, STAQS
Building a World Class Test Organization[presentation]

Do you have teams performing myriads of manual tests? Do you have to depend on subject matter experts with tribal knowledge for testing? Are you yearning to transform it all into a mature, modern, and world-class test organization?

Theresa O'Leary, UPS
Stop Writing Test Cases! It's All About Models and Exploration[presentation]

With rapid application development environments and sometimes daily product releases, test cases can be an unnecessary burden on testers.

Brett Leonard, Construction Software Technologies (
STAREAST 2011: Automating Embedded System Testing[presentation]

Many testers believe that it is prohibitively costly and time-consuming to automate embedded and mobile phone application testing.

Hans Buwalda, LogiGear
An Agile Approach to Defect Management[presentation]

In each round of the party game Limbo, you set the bar lower and lower. Players must dance under the bar with only their feet touching the floor.

Lisa Crispin, ePlan Services, Inc.
Freshen Up Your Software Testing Skills[presentation]

As software testers, how do we keep our skills fresh and up-to-date? In our line of work, there is always another build to test, more testing than we have time for, and small training budgets.

Selena Delesie, Delesie Solutions
End-to-End Testing: The PLACE to Be[presentation]

The latest development technologies–web services, SOA, SaaS, cloud computing, agile practices, and more–have increased our ability to rapidly implement new systems to support ever-changing business needs.

Kees Blokland, Polteq Test Services B.V.
The Tester's Role in Identifying, Managing, and Eliminating Technical Debt[presentation]

Technical debt is a metaphor that refers to the eventual consequences of taking well-meaning shortcuts during software development.

V. Lee Henson, AgileDad
Crowdsourced Testing: An Emerging Business Model[presentation]

Crowdsourced testing has emerged as a startlingly effective by-product of social networking. Manoj Narayanan describes how many organizations are leveraging crowdsourcing to reduce testing costs and increase product quality.

Manoj Narayanan, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Performance Testing Cloud-hosted Applications[presentation]

Cloud computing and cloud-hosted applications will alter the way you think about and carry out performance testing.

Dennis Bass, Microsoft
Questioning Measurement[presentation]

When we consciously measure something, we try to measure precisely and often assume that our measurements are accurate and useful.

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
Optimizing Modular Test Automation[presentation]

Modular test automation frameworks minimize script maintenance, increase reuse, and help maximize the ROI of your automation efforts.

David Dang, Zenergy Technologies
Data Manufacturing: A Test Data Management Solution[presentation]

Does your test organization create test data that represents production-like data? Does it fully protect the privacy of customers and the confidentiality of the business?

Fariba Alim-Marvasti, Aetna / Enterprise Testing & Quality Assurance
STAREAST 2011: Service-driven Test Management[presentation]

Over the years, the test manager's role has evolved from "struggling to get involved early" to today's more common "indispensable partner in project success." In the past, it was easy to complain that the testing effort could not be carried o

Martin Pol, Polteq Test Services B.V.
The Agile Build Pipeline: A Tester's Lessons Learned[presentation]

When Insurance Australia Group wanted to launch a new online car insurance service, complex technical issues called for early integration and strong testing capabilities.

Kristan Vingrys, Thoughtworks


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