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AgileDC Conference - Organizer Podcast at Agile2011[article]

Come join us at AgileDC on October 26th 2011. This not for profit regional conference aims to have a wide variety of talks, networking, open space, and is one of the few conferences to have a Government track alongside an Agile Engineering track.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
How to Win Friends and Influence People - and Deliver Quality Software[presentation]

Since first published, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People has motivated generations of aspiring leaders to polish up their people skills.

Andy Kaufman, Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development, Inc.
Dependable vs. Irreplaceable[article]

We all like being in demand, feeling wanted, and being dependable. But, we forget that there is a thin line between being dependable and irreplaceable. The result is not only a loss of credibility but also a loss of opportunities

Rinku Sahay's picture Rinku Sahay
Product complexity and opportunity to rearchitect and refactor Do You Need Titled Architects for Your Agile Programs?[article]

Johanna Rothman received a variety of responses to her recent writing on agile architecture. In this article, she attempts to clarify her case for having an architect on some—but not all—agile programs, depending on a number of factors.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Are the Five CEO Temptations Limiting Your Leadership Potential?[article]

Becoming a CEO isn’t the ultimate goal for the most successful CEOs. It is a status that they use to achieve great things, and they face ongoing temptations that threaten their potential. Here, Laura Brandenburg takes a look at the temptations in Patrick Lencioni’s Five Temptations of a CEO that can limit the potential of not only CEOs, but also anyone in a leadership position.

Laura Brandenburg's picture Laura Brandenburg
photo from pair programming sessions Pair Programming in the Clink[article]

In this personal experience story, Daryl Kulak relates the day he spent behind bars. He was there to participate in a program that pairs prisoners with software developers “from the outside” to explore the art and science of agile software development. “It’s like a code retreat,” Kulak notes, “except it’s inside a prison.”

Daryl  Kulak's picture Daryl Kulak
The Third Age Of Requirements[magazine]

During the First Age of Requirements, programmers ruled the Earth. Today, programmers again lead the way but the possibilities for software development are unimaginable. You'd better be prepa

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Works as Designed[magazine]

How many times have you heard the phrase "works as designed" used to describe software that is flawed and in some cases not fit for use? While "works as designed" has become an acceptable response for some, for real professionals, it's not.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland
Business Analysis Career Paths[magazine]

Five or ten years ago, the common career advice to business analysts was that to be promoted, you should become a project manager. Today, business analysis professionals have myriad career options.

Laura Brandenburg's picture Laura Brandenburg
Documenting Exploratory Testing[magazine]

Exploratory testing projects can have documentation requirements, just like any other project. Jonathan describes various ways we can create documentation on our exploratory testing projects, including guidance documents, test-coverage reports, and video software to help create lightweight, powerful documentation.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Agile Planning and Analysis: Synergizing to Deliver Value[magazine]

Are your planning and analysis activities synergistic? Is their total effect on your project greater than the sum of the two activities? When done hand in glove you’ll see how planning and analysis can help groom your backlog and enable you to continuously deliver valuable software.

How Do Agile Rapid Iterations Improve Software Quality?[article]

An iterative agile approach improves the quality and production time for software projects of all scope and size. Learn how this "evolutionary" method improves both development and testing through open lines of communication and collaboration.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Path to Agility 2011 - Ken Schwaber - Scrum and the Product Owner[article]

Ken Schwaber and Bob Payne chat about the product owner (PO) roll and the complexity that can emerge when we ask too much of the product owner. This has always been a key role and we have sometimes dode the project a disservice by focusing the PO on the needs of development.

Bob Payne's picture Bob Payne
Plight of Product Owners in Medium and Large Organizations[article]

What prevents product owners in large organizations from functioning like product owners in startup companies, who quickly release new products in the market with lower budgets?

Anupam Kundu
The Top Testing Challenges—or Opportunities—We Face Today[presentation]

Some people thrive on challenges, while others struggle with how to deal with them. Handled well, challenges can make us stronger in our passion, drive, and determination. In this video, Lloyd Roden describes some of the challenges we face today in software testing and how we can respond...

Lloyd Roden


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