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Agile DevOps West Diversity without Disclosure: Rethinking Our Norms[presentation]

Organizational diversity isn't just about the attributes we can see. Every team has members with a near-infinite spectrum of needs, some of which we know about and a lot more we probably don't (and might never).

Cheryl Hammond
Agile DevOps West Nontechnical Managers Leading Technical Teams[presentation]

Technology is complicated and changes every day. Even leaders with a technical background and deep understanding of tools and processes have trouble keeping up, and it’s virtually impossible to be an expert on every single aspect of a product.

Victoria Guido
Person crossing a natural rock bridge above the sea Agile Estimates versus #NoEstimates: Bridging the Gap[article]

Agile teams can easily get puzzled by the heated debate happening between advocates for estimation and those in the #NoEstimates camp. However, by comparing how they solve these problems, we can identify many common practices between the two groups and see they are not truly at odds—they actually complement each other. Let's bridge the gap.

Andre Rubin's picture Andre Rubin
Laptop with code on the screen Agile Development: Focusing on the Health of Your Code[article]

In Scrum, the product owner and the ScrumMaster are supposed to drive sustainable development. But there's a third force missing from the formula: the health of the code itself. We often forget that our code is also a member of our team, and we have to be concerned about its health and well-being as much as any other team member. That means using practices to develop good code from the beginning.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
Branching example Picking the Right Branch-Merge Strategy[article]

A good branch-merge strategy facilitates processes among multiple developers and is the basis for any well-functioning DevOps pipeline that uses continuous integration. Let’s explore branching strategies, merging strategies, and how you can put them together in a way that’s right for your team in order to bring quality features to production faster.

Alan Crouch's picture Alan Crouch
Product owner standing in front of a wall of sticky notes 3 Elusive Qualities of a Great Product Owner[article]

When it comes to guiding the development of a product and ensuring you’re building what the user actually needs, a product owner is the most important hire for the team. There’s just one problem: A good product owner can be really hard to find. The characteristics that make a good product owner are elusive, but here are three qualities you should prioritize in your search.

John Yorke's picture John Yorke
Scrum team participating in a daily standup meeting 5 Ways ScrumMasters Can Enhance Daily Standups[article]

Daily standup meetings can turn into a perfunctory chore, with everyone simply going through the motions. It’s the ScrumMaster’s job to make sure that doesn’t happen and the meetings remain useful for everyone. With these five ideas, the ScrumMaster can actively help daily scrums be effective and encourage communication, transparency, and efficient delivery of value.

Ajeet Singh's picture Ajeet Singh
Person solving a Rubik's cube Eliminate Fake Certainty and Solve the Real Problem[article]

Too often, customers have a “fake certainty” about the problems they want to solve. They might not have defined the real problem, but they have frequently defined the solution anyway. The risk is that we might build the wrong thing. When the product owner works with the customers to define the problem, then works with the team to define the solution, everyone can win.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman John Le Drew
Testing team standing around a computer and smiling 3 Methods for Better Communication and More Effective Testing[article]

Successful delivery of software requires the entire team, so it’s imperative that everyone choose their words carefully so they convey what they really mean, are sensitive to others’ feelings, and consider all aspects of a problem. Here are three questions to remember when communicating about your software testing projects to ensure you’re considering the power of words.

Ajay Balamurugadas's picture Ajay Balamurugadas
Partially open computer showing a bright screen Software Development: An Industry of Amateurs[article]

David Bernstein says the software industry is an industry of amateurs. It's a young field, and he doesn’t think it's yet graduated into a true profession. Here, David contrasts the software industry with other, more established fields, and he talks about what software professionals need to do in order for the industry to become accepted and esteemed.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
Lightning Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences.

Nine Incredible Speakers
STAREAST Beyond Coding: Test Automation as Art[presentation]

The rise of test automation is changing the testing landscape as organizations urgently accelerate their automation goals.

Katrina Clokie
STAREAST The AI Testing Singularity[presentation]

Most basic software testing will soon be done by a few individual, large systems. But today, software testing is a fragmented world of test creators, test automators, vendors, contractors, employees, and even “pizza Fridays” where developers roll up their sleeves and test the build themselves.

Jason Arbon
STAREAST Cutting through the Hype around Continuous Testing[presentation]

There is a lot of hype around continuous testing these days. It seems like every product vendor has a continuous testing product and every consulting company has a continuous testing practice.

Jeffery Payne
STAREAST Creative Trespassing: Sneak More Imagination into Your Work and Get More Done[presentation]

After years of smuggling creativity into the corporate sector without getting busted, Tania Katan has learned that we don’t need to be in a job that is distinctly creative in order to be distinctly creative in our job.

Tania Katan


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