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Agile DevOps East Continuous Load Testing for DevOps[presentation]

Ensuring that each new release delivers a positive user experience is now more critical than ever.

Kevin Dunne
Agile DevOps East Lessons Learned Implementing DevOps: A Discussion[presentation]

DevOps is fundamentally about collaboration, communication, and effective teamwork across the entire software supply chain. But in practice, DevOps is much more than that.

Lee Eason
Agile DevOps East Serverless Security: Overcome Architectural Security Challenges[presentation]

Serverless architectures take the idea of microservices to the extreme. To implement secure serverless architectures, you have to understand how to compartmentalize programs at the function level.

Eric Sheridan
Agile DevOps East Bring Your Team Home Safely: What DevOps Teams Can Learn from Aircrews[presentation]

United Flight 232 should have crashed with all 296 lives lost. Asiana Flight 214 should not have crashed at all. However, the actual outcomes were very different.

Peter Varhol
Agile DevOps East A DevOps Team's Journey Toward Behavior-Driven Development[presentation]

DevOps teams struggle to ensure quality in multiple daily deployments. Traditional testing approaches have often failed in this context, but there are exciting new ways to test.

Laurent Py
Agile DevOps East DevSecOps in the Age of Containers[presentation]

As IT shops look to move their workloads into containers and the cloud, their initial concerns often center around the security implications.

Curtis Yanko
Agile DevOps East Experiences Bringing Continuous Delivery to the DoD and DHS[presentation]

Not every continuous delivery initiative starts with someone saying, "Drop everything. Let's do DevOps." Sometimes you have to grow your practice incrementally.

Gene Gotimer
Agile DevOps East Dominating DevOps with Distributed Teams[presentation]

Distributed teams are the norm in Fortune 100 and 500 companies, crossing many time zones and multiple cultures. These teams seldom communicate directly, instead using a point of contact to relay information.

Treasa Overton
Agile DevOps East Shift Left: Continuous Performance Testing in the CI/CD Pipeline[presentation]

“Fail fast and fail often” is a key tenet of DevOps. It places great emphasis on continuous testing to deliver software with confidence and ensure a positive user experience.

Gajan Pathmanathan
A Successful DevOps Initiative Starts with Knowing Your Numbers![presentation]

IT organizations that don’t know their risk factors and exposure are likely to make investments in DevOps that don’t matter.

Anne Hungate
Agile DevOps East Embrace Our Robot Overlords: Make CI Work for You[presentation]

When developing software, teams can often get bogged down with mundane tasks such as code linting, manual testing, or even just deploying code to a particular environment.

Brian Thompson
Agile DevOps East To Estimate or Not to Estimate: A Panel Discussion[presentation]

When will you deliver that feature? How much will this project cost? Which features can I have in four weeks?

Ryan Ripley
Agile DevOps East Pushing Pennies: Playing with the Principles of Product Development Flow[presentation]

Lean and agile concepts can sometimes be counterintuitive, but the right game or exercise can effectively demonstrate those concepts, providing a practical basis for conversation and learning.

Bill DeVoe
Agile DevOps East No One Cares About Your Practices: A Modern Agile Approach[presentation]

Organizations often declare they are "going agile." This goal is misplaced, misguided, and just plain wrong.

Bob Payne
Agile DevOps East Agile Program Management: Measurements to See Value and Delivery[presentation]

Do you have measurement dysfunction on your program? Are you trying to measure teams and extrapolate each team’s status to the program? That doesn’t work.

Johanna Rothman


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