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STARCANADA Telling a Better Story: Finding Quality in the Agile User Story[presentation]

When delivering agile software development projects and conducting quality assurance and testing assessments, it often seems that “solving the testing problem” doesn’t solve “the quality problem.” The testing problem is much broader than just code quality, testing tools, automation...

Stephan Marceau
STARCANADA How AI Is Transforming Software Testing[presentation]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning concepts are rapidly being integrated into IT systems. Companies like Apple, Tesla, Google, Amazon, and Facebook have started investing more in AI to solve different technological problems in the areas of health care, autonomous cars...

Raj Subramanian
STARCANADA Everything I Know about Automation I Learned from Saturday Morning Cartoons[presentation]

Do you remember sitting in front of the television as a kid, enjoying your favorite Saturday morning cartoons? Chris Loder shows you how the lessons we learned from those cartoons apply to our everyday work in test automation. Wait until you hear what we’ve learned from the likes of Scooby...

Chris Loder
STARCANADA The Test Expert's Role in DevOps[presentation]

DevOps is a culture shift that emphasizes collaboration between software developers and other IT professionals while automating software delivery and infrastructure changes. It aims to establish an environment where building, testing, and releasing software can happen more rapidly...

Mike Sowers
STARCANADA A Tester’s Role in Requirements Exploration[presentation]

Having a shared understanding of desired and undesired behaviors for each new product feature is key to delivering value to the business frequently and predictably. However, many teams lack this understanding even as they start coding. As testers, we can explore feature specifications early..

Janet Gregory
Amir Rozenberg Implementing Digital Transformation: An Interview with Amir Rozenberg[interview]

In this interview, Amir Rozenberg, director of product management at Perfecto Mobile, says the success of a business depends on taking advantage of web apps that improve and simplify the customer experience, addressing options that will yield a successful implementation.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
STARCANADA What’s Our Job When the Machines Do Testing?[presentation]

After its highly hyped introduction decades ago and followed by a long, quiet “winter,” artificial intelligence (AI) has slowly crept back into our consciousness. While our Siri and Alexa assistants entertain us, machine learning (ML) has brought new conveniences into our lives...

Geoff Meyer
STARCANADA 7 Sure-fire Ways to Ruin Your Test Automation[presentation]

Test automation projects fail, but why? Could you stop it from happening? In this tongue-in-cheek talk, Seretta Gamba will share seven proven methods to disrupt or utterly ruin a test automation project, including letting a lone champion keep important knowledge to themselves, ignoring good..

Seretta Gamba
An illuminated lightbulb, photo by Johannes Plenio Agile Is Not a Process, It’s a Mindset[article]

Agile transformation requires more than a change in process; it needs a change in mindset. In order to fully embrace agile and create a productive environment, you have to change how you think about priorities and failure. Priorities are decided proactively, not reactively, and failure is not punished, it is celebrated. Once you make this shift in perspective, you can reap the rewards of agile.

Lisa Rich's picture Lisa Rich
Agile DevOps East Lightning Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Lightning Talks consist of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period.

Bob Galen
Adam Auerbach Time to Make an Employment Change: An Interview with Adam Auerbach[interview]

In this interview, Adam Auerbach, Vice President and Head of Assurance Practice at EPAM Systems, discusses the need to create a strategy to achieve career goals, recognizing when it is time to change employers having maximized your contributions and gained the optimal benefits and skills.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Sticky notes on cabinet doors Applying Agile to Life: Taking Retrospectives outside the Workplace[article]

A lot of what agile teams do can be used effectively outside software development teams, and even outside the typical business organization. For instance, retrospectives and the practice of talking about what went well, what you should keep doing, and what can be improved can be applied anywhere—even to families. Read on to learn how to bring continuous improvement into your daily life.

Ben Kopel's picture Ben Kopel
STARWEST 2018 AI for Testing Tomorrow (Panel: Part II)[presentation]

What does AI mean for the future of testing? What aspects of testing will the machines replace? What things will AI soon be better than humans at and what things will humans always do better than AI?

Tariq King
STARWEST 2018 AI for Testing Today (Panel: Part I)[presentation]

How can we apply AI to the testing problems of today? What works and what doesn't work? Are there any critical lessons that have been learned?

Tariq King
Agile DevOps East All We Need Is Product Love[presentation]

Today, we have more choices than ever for software products. The competition for our time and attention is fierce, and we tend to invest in only the products that we love. But product love can be elusive.

Todd Olson


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