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STARWEST 2018 Improve Planning Estimates by Reducing Your Human Biases[presentation]

Are you puzzled about why your estimate turned out wrong, or stressed from working to meet an impossible deadline?

Andrew Brown
STARWEST 2018 Why "Why...?" Can Be the Most Important Question for QA to Ask[presentation]

To test a product, there are so many questions to ask, and so little time in which to ask them.

Jane Jeffers
STARWEST 2018 How to Automate Testing for Next-Generation Interfaces (BOTs, Alexa, Mobile)[presentation]

Today’s IT systems communicate with customers through multiple points of engagement and various interfaces, ranging from web, mobile, and voice to BOTs and apps like Alexa and Siri.

Sanil Pillai
STARWEST 2018 Marrying Artificial Intelligence with Software Testing: Challenges & Opportunities [presentation]

Emerging technologies such as the internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing have introduced a significant software variety and complexity.

Wendy Siew Wen Chin
STARWEST 2018 A Tale of Continuous Testing[presentation]

When the atmosphere is hostile to QA, and yet the demands on the QA Team are increasing, how do you transform a team where everything is tested and deployed manually, to an organization that delivers great software multiple times a day?

David Lumpkin
STARWEST 2018 Delivering the Goods: Harmonizing Regulated and Agile Practices[presentation]

Agile testing is hard. Testers contend with terse requirements, minimal process, little documentation, continually evolving business, technical and organizational factors. Auditors demand proof of compliance.

Griffin Jones
STARWEST 2018 Testing Imprecise Requirements[presentation]

Articles on and elsewhere reported that Volvo has recently discovered a non-traditional requirement: Any self-driving vehicle approved for use outside Australian cities must recognize kangaroos on or near the roadway and take prope

David Gelperin
STARWEST 2018 What Aircrews Can Teach Testing Teams[presentation]

United Flight 232 should have crashed with all 296 lives lost. Asiana Flight 214 should not have crashed at all. But the reality is very different.

Peter Varhol
STARWEST 2018 Mission Critical Automation Testing[presentation]

When critical subsystems fail, the resulting losses can be catastrophic. In the insurance industry, if premiums are miscalculated, defect costs can reach well over a million dollars.

Mike Keith
STARWEST 2018 Everything I Learned about Automation, I Learned from Saturday Morning Cartoons[presentation]

Do you remember sitting in front of the television as a kid enjoying your favorite Saturday morning cartoons? Chris Loder shows you how the lessons we learned from those cartoons apply to our everyday work in test automation.

Chris Loder
STARWEST 2018 Compliance and Agility—How It Can Be Done[presentation]

Delivering a compliant product is a resource intensive and challenging activity for most teams.

Aprajita Mathur
STARWEST 2018 Measuring and Maximizing Crowdsourced Vulnerability Discovery[presentation]

There are many crowdsourcing vulnerability discovery techniques available today, making it difficult for testers to choose an approach that finds important vulnerabilities while offering the best bang for the buck.

Mike Shema
Three different colored keys 3 Keys to Mastering Test-Driven Development[article]

From his decade of teaching thousands of professional software developers how to be effective with test-driven development, David Bernstein has learned that there are three key ingredients for mastering TDD: understanding what it really is, making code reliably testable, and getting hands-on experience. Let’s look at each of these factors to see what it takes to use TDD effectively on your projects.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
STARWEST 2018 No More Shelfware—Let’s Drive[presentation]

When Isabel Evans learned to drive a car, she also learned how to check, clean, and change spark plugs, mend the fan belt with a stocking, and indicate speed and direction changes with arm and hand signals.

Isabel Evans
STARWEST 2018 Testing In The Dark[presentation]

Isn’t it amazing? Stakeholders drop software on our desks and expect us to test it—without any requirements, design, or product knowledge whatsoever. About the only clear thing is the absurd and unrealistic deadline.

Rob Sabourin


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