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Bob Galen Getting People to Embrace the Change Required for Agile: An Interview with Bob Galen[interview]

In this interview, Bob Galen, an agile methodologist, practitioner, and coach, explains why in order to become agile, people need to overcome their resistance to change. Bob details why agile works, how people's jobs will be safe, and why "change from the bottom up" can only get you so far.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Developers and testers 5 Ways to Pair Developers with Testers[magazine]

Some agile practices stress the importance of pairing team members together to achieve better team performance. Try these five suggestions for pairing key resources.

Jeffery Payne's picture Jeffery Payne
Sparkly "2017" sign Top 10 AgileConnection Articles of 2017[article]

Agile software development is mainstream by now, but people are still finding ways to experiment with agile. Measuring agile success with metrics, the debate over whether to use estimates, and improving predictability in Scrum were all hot topics last year. The rise of DevOps has given even more material for people curious to adopt the practice, so automation and "continuous everything" were also popular subjects.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
Gardening photo by Benjamin Combs Find Your Metaphor for Agile Software Design[article]

How you think about software design can have a big impact on how effective you are when you do it. All of us have different criteria for success, and some of them aren’t even conscious. We have to figure out what resonates for us so that we make the right choices, and we can get a clue about the right choices for us by looking at the metaphors we use when we talk about software.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
Building Autonomous DevOps Capability in Delivery Teams[magazine]

After setting up a DevOps team and adopting continuous delivery practices, product releases may not be as smooth as they could be. The missing ingredient requires empowerment and autonomy.

Miiro Juuso's picture Miiro Juuso
Whiteboard with sticky notes for each day's retrospective comments Experimenting with Daily Retrospectives[article]

Experimentation is a great way to unleash creativity, continuously improve, and see what works and what doesn't. When a team was tossing around the idea of doing daily retrospectives, agile coach Ben Kopel decided to guide them through some iterations on the process. Here, he talks about what the team did and what they gained from both the retrospectives and the quick feedback from experimenting.

Ben Kopel's picture Ben Kopel
Automation’s Role in the Fall of Software Testing[magazine]

Has the rise in test automation resulted in product releases of lesser quality? Besides adopting more comprehensive automated scripting, there are process and organizational dynamics to consider.

John Tyson's picture John Tyson
Train off the track Signs Your DevOps Initiative Is Off the Rails[article]

There’s lots of confusion about what DevOps is. This has resulted in the emergence of DevOps “antipatterns”—DevOps patterns of behavior that will not result in success. There are often clear signs that what you are doing isn’t going to work. This article delves into some of them in hopes you can avoid these mistakes and successfully implement DevOps principles and practices.

Jeffery Payne's picture Jeffery Payne
Adam Auerbach How to Implement Agile Transformations at Large Companies: An Interview with Adam Auerbach[interview]

In this interview, Adam Auerbach, the vice president of quality and DevOps engineering at Lincoln Financial Group, explains how major corporations can learn to take advantage of agile and quickly adjust to the speed it demands, as well as the methods he uses to implement enterprise agile.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Agile Outside the Development Team Agile outside the Development Team[magazine]

Most developers have tough encounters with business-oriented nondevelopers. An expert business analyst shows how an understanding of each others’ perspective will result in project success.

Ron Healy's picture Ron Healy
Sam Kaufman Why Bug Reporting Is More Important than Ever Before: An Interview with Sam Kaufman[interview]

In this interview, Sam Kaufman, the founder and CTO of BugReplay, explains why most teams don’t put enough emphasis on bug reporting—even though agile and DevOps have made it even more important than before. He also details where DevOps can improve and where he sees it in five years.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
What Testers Need to Know about Continuous Testing What Testers Need to Know about Continuous Testing[magazine]

Thanks to the trend toward DevOps and continuous delivery, traditional testing isn’t enough. Including test automation in your strategy is a good start, but your testing approach needs to change.

Wayne Ariola's picture Wayne Ariola
Football plays Your Strategic Planning Should Be Agile, Too[article]

What has agile taught us about trying to plan everything up front? It usually doesn’t work. So why does your company still use a yearly strategic planning approach that takes six months to develop and requires significant time and effort to pivot to new opportunities and challenges? We need to rethink strategic planning to incorporate design thinking, collaboration, and agility.

Phil Gadzinski's picture Phil Gadzinski
Requirements model Requirements Mapping Using Business Function Test Suites[article]

On this team, testers were overcommitted, avoidable defects were surfacing, and documentation was hard to find. Worse, trust and morale were low. Upgrading tools was out of the question, so the testers decided to take matters into their own hands and create incremental change themselves. Here's how a team added a new type of traceability to its requirement test case world.

Balazs Schaffhauser's picture Balazs Schaffhauser
STAREAST 2018 Elegant Test Weapons for a More Civilized Age[presentation]

Software Engineering as a discipline is always evolving. The technologies and tools that were in vogue yesterday are passé today and gone altogether tomorrow.

Melissa Benua


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