The Latest

Lightning Strikes the Keynotes[presentation]

Throughout the years, Lightning Talks have been a popular part of the STAR conferences.

Robert Sabourin
STARWEST 2018 Testing Outside of the Box[presentation]

The cognitive skills of testing are being threatened by two major forces: the assumption that automation can replace all other forms of testing, and the acceptance of lower quality by consumers.

Jon Bach
STARWEST 2018 The Life of a Tester, from Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After[presentation]

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Jennifer Bonine
Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018, DevOps West 2018 Unlocking Retrospectives[presentation]

Retrospectives empower teams to learn and improve. But many teams fail to reach their true learning potential. Ryan was part of a team that held retrospectives for a year and a half to fix one line of code.

Ryan Latta
Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018, DevOps West 2018 Removing Impediments and Cultivating a Culture of Feedback[presentation]

As agilists, we know the importance of open, candid feedback for agile teams to be continuously improving.

Joanna Vahlsing
Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018, DevOps West 2018 I Manage an Agile Team. Am I Obsolete?[presentation]

Agile and Scrum Teams are self-organizing and self-managing. As a line manager, what's left to do? Traditionally, managers are responsible for the output of their teams.

Robert Pieper
Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018, DevOps West 2018 Collaborative Curiosity[presentation]

Let's try an experiment. Rather than trying to figure out what you need or want to hear from a keynote, we propose your taking over as the product owner and driving the discussion?

Ryan Ripley
Jeff Payne Why You Need to Take Security and DevOps Seriously: An Interview with Jeff Payne[interview]

In this interview, Jeff Payne, the CEO and cofounder of Coveros, explains why major companies just aren’t that good at security. He discusses how you can better protect your business, as well as why DevOps can and should be a key to your success.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Selena Delesie Discovering the Soul of Agile: An Interview with Selena Delesie[interview]

In this interview, Selena Delesie, an international leadership and transformation coach and trainer, explains how your team can find the soul of agile, why some agile teams lack creativity, and who on your team should become a leader.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Icon showing an automated system Why You Need to Be Doing Continuous Integration[article]

It’s usually easy and inexpensive to set up a continuous integration environment for either an agile or a waterfall project. Perhaps the most obvious benefit of CI is the elimination of the integration phase that existed in traditional waterfall projects, where we typically slip the worst on deadlines. But there are many other benefits to continuous integration that you may not have considered.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
Signs saying "Continue doing," "Start doing," and "Stop doing" 5 Tips for Getting Retrospectives Done Right[article]

Unfortunately, many retrospectives are not productive. It may be that the discussions are unfocused, not enough data was gathered to be helpful for analysis, or the team concentrates too much on issues they can’t control. Retrospectives should be a key part of an agile process for helping the team improve. Here are five tips that will help you have more valuable retrospectives.

Marco Corona's picture Marco Corona
Three people To Kick-Start Your Agile Project, Begin with a Minimum Viable Team[article]

You've heard of a minimum viable product, which has only enough features to create a working model and provide feedback for further development. If you want to get started on a new project quickly, Allan Kelly suggests assembling a minimum viable team—only a few people, with only the necessary skills. They begin work right away, with a small budget and tight feedback loops, driving down risk.

Allan Kelly's picture Allan Kelly
telescope Agile Trends to Watch in 2018[article]

With 2018 well underway, it seems like a good time to look ahead and think about what we hope to accomplish this year. Find out which agile trends these software experts are most looking forward to in the coming months.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer
Roadblock You’re Ready for DevOps—but Is Your Workplace?[article]

In order to adopt DevOps, organizations need to be able to embrace the openness it requires, encourage experimentation and innovation, and work across departmental silos. You may be ready to encourage collaboration and communication to reap the benefits, but what if your company culture isn't? Here's how you can influence your organizational dynamics to lay the groundwork for DevOps.

Matt Hilbert's picture Matt Hilbert
testing Adopt an Innovative Quality Approach to Testing[magazine]

How much testing is really enough? Given resources, budget, and time, the goal of comprehensive testing seems impossible to achieve. It’s time to rethink your test strategy and start innovating.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban


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