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The Unspoken Truth about IoT Test Automation The Unspoken Truth about IoT Test Automation[magazine]

The internet of things (IoT) continues to proliferate as connected smart devices become critical for individuals and businesses. Even with test automation, performing comprehensive testing can be quite a challenge.

Rama Anem's picture Rama Anem
Diagram showing how continuous engineering is part of continuous planning and delivery Focus on Agile Engineering Methods in Your Digital Transformation[article]

Organizations undergoing a digital transformation must adopt new and meaningful ways of working. For a successful transformation, in addition to agile processes, teams must also leverage agile engineering techniques and models. Continuous focus on agile engineering principles will provide a solid ground for teams to enhance their agility and deliver better software, faster.

Uday Varma's picture Uday Varma
Building a Test Automation Strategy Building a Test Automation Strategy[magazine]

QA departments always feel the pressure to start testing quickly, even if the ever-changing software being tested isn’t ready. A bought-in test automation strategy can keep a project on track.

Justin Rohrman's picture Justin Rohrman
STARCANADA Automation in Aviation and Mission-Critical Software[presentation]

Are you confronted with automating tests of large, complex systems? Are there more conditions to test than you can do in a lifetime? Are auditors demanding compliance to a never-ending collection of regulations? Do stakeholders want slick dashboard...

Alexandre Bauduin
STARCANADA From a Testing Team to an Organization Quality Chain[presentation]

Is testing a bottleneck in your company? Do you uncomfortably squeeze testing into projects? Can you show stakeholders how testing adds value? Sophie Benjamin has spent the last fifteen years answering these questions, transforming testing into add...

Sophie Benjamin
Scrum Basics Scrum: Back to Basics[magazine]

So you think you know Scrum? Using the whimsical notion of farm animals and light-hearted visuals, take a refreshing review of the entire Scrum lifecycle as an intuitive set of roles, responsibilities, and handoffs. Particular attention is placed on what the ScrumMaster and product owner are expected to do at each handoff.

Brian M.  Rabon's picture Brian M. Rabon
Time lapse of cars driving over a bridge, photo by Anders Jildén The Future of Agile Is Digital[article]

Agile software development is no longer about a better way to develop software. Agile is about changing the way digital technologies, products, and services are created to take advantage of enhanced CPU power and the tools that power has made possible. Here's how digitalization is reshaping agile teams, projects, and the very definition of success.

Allan Kelly's picture Allan Kelly
Test-Driven Service Virtualization Test-Driven Service Virtualization[magazine]

Because enterprise applications are highly interconnected, development in stages puts a strain on the implementation and execution of automated testing. Service virtualization can be introduced to validate work in progress while reducing the dependencies on components and third-party technologies still under development.

Alexander Mohr's picture Alexander Mohr
Server stack with a line through it The Pros and Cons of a Serverless DevOps Solution[article]

The dream of any product owner is fully customizable production software without the expense of the hardware it rests upon. While not completely free of infrastructure, serverless infrastructure significantly reduces overhead costs by abstracting away physical hosting, physical security, server maintenance, and OS patching. Here's what you need to know to decide if serverless infrastructure is right for you.

Glenn Buckholz's picture Glenn Buckholz
DevOps and the Culture of Code DevOps and the Culture of Code[magazine]

Migrating an organization to continuous integration requires adoption new processes, tools, and automation. DevOps relies on dramatic culture change to encourage total transparency and collaboration among all project stakeholders.

Patrick Turner's picture Patrick Turner
Sticky tags that say "Hello, my name is," photo by Jon Tyson What's in a Name? Build Better Software by Naming Classes and Methods Clearly[article]

One of the most important things to pay attention to when writing software is how we name our symbols. Data and behavior should be named in a way that represents the essence of what we're trying to do. Naming affects understandability and reflects code quality, so use names that clearly communicate your intentions, and refactor those names when your intentions change.

David Bernstein's picture David Bernstein
Magnifying glass zooming in on the word "value" Living the Agile Principles: Customer Value[article]

The first principle of the Agile Manifesto states, "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software." Early and frequent delivery gets value to customers quickly and helps you figure out whether you understand what your customers really want. Here are five tips for how you can follow the first agile principle and provide customer value continuously.

Jeffery Payne's picture Jeffery Payne
Four people on a crew team rowing together Rowing in the Same Direction: Use Value Streams to Align Work[article]

Ambiguity abounds about value streams, so it’s good to clarify what they are, why they matter, and how to exploit them. It's important to help employees understand the organization's definition of value, to provide visibility on how business value is created, and to focus on the fast flow of value through the value streams. If everyone understands which direction to row the boat, they can steer toward it together.

Dominica DeGrandis's picture Dominica DeGrandis
STARWEST 2018 Testing Your Tests: Securing Confidence In Your Automation[presentation]

The growth of automation testing in today’s software development organizations is changing the way we test applications.

Max Saperstone
STARWEST 2018 Be the Lord of Your OWN Rings: How to Build Your OWN Insider Testing Program[presentation]

Many testers just don't plain get listened to. Management doesn’t seem to listen despite you having a really good idea on how to reduce costs without reducing quality.

Dona Sarkar


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