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Agile DevOps East Advance Your Agile Adoption with Lean Portfolio Management [presentation]

As organizations begin to scale their agile adoptions from independent teams to a more organized "team of teams" structure, one of the challenges that is typically harder to address is budgeting and forecasting funding.

Martin Olson
Agile DevOps East How to Innovate Inexpensively[presentation]

When many think of modernizing or altering their firm with the goal of staying competitive in the market, thoughts of expensive, cutting-edge concepts that are difficult to implement usually come to mind.

Giancarlo Di Vece
Agile DevOps East Financing Agile Delivery with Forecasts[presentation]

Your team's been trained to deliver new features in a short time frame. You're estimating your work using abstractions like story points, and the predictability and quality of delivery have clearly improved.

Robert Pieper
Agile DevOps East Exploring Our Love-Hate Relationship with Metrics [presentation]

Businesses rely on data to make decisions, and metrics allow them to roll up data into bite-sized morsels for managerial consumption.

Shaun Bradshaw
Agile DevOps East Tear It Down to Build It Up: Using Agile in Construction Project Management[presentation]

Operating on the philosophy that one must thoroughly know the rules before one can break them, a global company developed its own delivery model that is still as true to the agile mindset as is possible.

Arjay Hinek
Agile DevOps East You Can't Improve What You Can't See[presentation]

From value stream mapping to burndown charts, making things visible is a core component of the continuous improvement process.

Brandon Carlson
Agile DevOps East Transformational Leadership for Business Agility[presentation]

Despite thinking that organizations are slow to innovate, innovation actually abounds at many companies.

Sanjiv Augustine
Agile DevOps East AI Is Key to Agile Testing Speed[presentation]

Speed is king in agile. In a world where most of the agile process is automated, testing is the slowest and most expensive part of getting your app or website deployed to the world.

Jason Arbon
Agile DevOps East How AI Is Transforming Software Testing[presentation]

Companies like Apple, Tesla, Google, Amazon, and Facebook have been investing in AI to solve different technological problems in the areas of health care, autonomous cars, search engines, predictive modeling, and much more.

Raj Subramanian
Agile DevOps East Continuous Testing Is Not Test Automation [presentation]

The DevOps movement is front and center across enterprises. Companies with mature systems are breaking down siloed IT departments and federating them into product development teams and departments.

Adam Auerbach
Agile DevOps East Coaching Around Resistance by Using Humble Inquiry[presentation]

When coaches encounter resistance to agile transformations, we often treat it as a phenomenon to be overcome, confronted, or combated.

Becky Hartman
Agile DevOps East Climbing the Mountain of Continuous Deployment[presentation]

Trying to reach continuous deployment (CD) can feel like scaling a gigantic mountain full of sheer faces, icy passes, and incredible dropoffs.

Michele Campbell
Agile DevOps East Optimize Performance Engineering with an Integrated Docker Framework[presentation]

When an e-commerce platform is going through a digital and cloud transformation, the DevOps and performance engineering team has various responsibilities: prepare the workload, execute tests, measure and analyze performance KPIs, baseline,

Safi Mohamed
Agile DevOps East Enterprise DevOps Is Not an Oxymoron[presentation]

Driving enterprise DevOps transformations is a challenging but massively rewarding job. Larger organizations often struggle to justify the costs of new tooling and training.

Lee Eason
Agile DevOps East Creating Chaos: Engineering for the Unexpected[presentation]

Every day we deal with complexity in our systems and multiple layers of dependencies. This complexity makes it difficult to predict when one service or dependency might go rogue for a specific circumstance during a delivery workflow.

Shahzad Zafar


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