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Better Software Conference 2009: A Software Quality Engineering Maturity Model[presentation]

You are probably familiar with maturity models for software development.

Gregory Pope, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Architecture and Design: What Managers Need to Know[presentation]

In many current software development approaches, architecture and design are downplayed. Rather than actually architecting products, good designs are assumed to "emerge." Yet, managers must be confident that their products are well designed.

Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts Inc.
The Agile PMP: Teaching and Old Dog New Tricks[presentation]

Agile methods emphasize trust, empowerment, and collaboration-moving us away from command and control project management to harness the passion, creativity, and enthusiasm of the team.

Michael Cottmeyer, VersionOne, Inc.
Using Agile to Increase Value in Lean Times[presentation]

The proof is now in, and it shows that implementing agile is the best way to get critical, revenue-generating applications to market faster and at less cost. How much money and how many jobs could your organization save?

Richard Leavitt, Rally Software Development
Ten Practices of High-Performance Teams[presentation]

With all the hype about agile, lean, CMMI®, and every other method du jour, we sometimes forget that our real goal is high performance.

Noopur Davis, Davis Systems
Defining Software Quality[presentation]

"Quality" is one of the most misunderstood and elusive aspects of system development. Ask five people to define quality and you'll probably get five different answers.

Thomas Staab, Windridge International LLC
Virtual Retrospectives for Distributed Software Teams[presentation]

Project retrospectives are challenging enough when the software development team and stakeholders are together in one location. What happens when the team members are spread across multiple locations, time zones, and continents?

John Terzakis, Intel Corporation
Testing in Turbulent Projects[presentation]

Turbulent weather such as tornados is characterized by chaotic, random, and often surprising and powerful pattern changes.

Robert Sabourin, Inc
Ensuring Quality Requirements[presentation]

Quality assurance is more than just testing software through processing a series of controlled inputs and outputs. It must also include an assessment of all the deliverables associated with the project.

Donald Haynes, Synova
Agile Adoption - Challenges and Strategies for New Teams[presentation]

In coaching diverse teams on their roads to agile adoption, Rachel Weston has had the opportunity to witness and assist with the different challenges and pitfalls they experience.

Rachel Weston, Rally Software Development
Better Software Conference & EXPO 2009: When to Step Up, When to Step Back[presentation]

Leaders can stifle progress when they unnecessarily interfere with team processes. However, as a leader, you don't want your project to go over the cliff and fail miserably or deliver the wrong results either.

Pollyanna Pixton, Accelinnova
Identify and Maximize Business Value in Development[presentation]

Organizations often invest great sums of money and talent in software projects-often to no good end.

Paul Robinson, The College Board
In Defense of Waterfall: Deconstructing the Agile Manifesto[presentation]

A long history of failed software projects using traditional waterfall methodologies was one inspiration for agile development methods. Regarded as novel and even radical a decade ago, agile methods are now widely adopted.

Kenneth Katz, DST Output
Making Smart Choices: Strategies for CMMI Adoption[presentation]

The CMMI® model was written to apply to a variety of project environments-defense, commercial, development, maintenance, services, and small to large project teams.

Rick Hefner, Northrop Grumman Corporation
What Your QA Program Is Missing[presentation]

Many software development organizations have a Quality Assurance (QA) component.

Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus, Inc.


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