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Building a Quality Dashboard for Your Project[presentation]

Jason Bryant shows how you can transform readily available raw data into visual information that improves the decision-making process with simple measures that yield power for both testing and development managers.

Jason Bryant, Schlumberger Information Solutions
Integrating Divergent Testing Approaches at Cisco[presentation]

Many large organizations have evolved their test processes project by project and department by department, leading to inefficient practices, overlapping activities, redundant test environments, shelfware test tools, and more.

Bill Schongar, Cisco Systems, Inc.
STAREAST 2009: Test Process Improvement on a Shoestring[presentation]

In these times of economic crisis, cost reduction is usually the #1 motive for test process improvement.

Martin Pol, POLTEQ IT Services BV
STAREAST 2009: Five Things Every Tester Must Do[presentation]

Are you a frustrated tester or test manager? Are you questioning whether or not a career in testing is for you? Do you wonder why others in your organization seem unenthusiastic about quality?

Julie Gardiner, Grove Consultants
STAREAST 2009: Seven Key Factors for Agile Testing Success[presentation]

Agile development approaches present unique challenges for testers and test teams. Working in short iterations, often with limited written requirements, agile development teams can leave traditional testers behind.

Lisa Crispin, ePlan Services, Inc.
Improve Your Testing with Static Analysis[presentation]

Static analysis is a technique for finding defects in code without executing it. Static analysis tools are easy to use because no test cases are required. In addition, today's technology has advanced significantly over the last few years.

Paul Anderson, GrammaTech
STAREAST 2009: The Marine Corps Principles of Leadership[presentation]

Even if you have the best tools and processes in the world, if your staff is not motivated and productive, your testing efforts will be weak and ineffective.

Rick Craig, Software Quality Engineering
Improve Your Testing through Automation[presentation]

Are you wondering how to increase progress with your test automation efforts? Do you understand how to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of your automation activities?

Jim Sartain, Adobe Systems
Beyond Testing: Becoming Part of the Innovation Machine[presentation]

Testing, once a marginalized function at Google, is now an integral part of Google's innovation machine. Patrick Copeland describes how this vital transformation took place.

Patrick (Pat) Copeland, Google
Crossing the Chasm: Agile Transitions for Test Teams[presentation]

Even if agile development has "crossed the chasm" and is becoming a mainstream set of practices, testers are often left behind when development teams "go agile." Developers learn test-driven development, continuous integration, refactoring, p

Janet Gregory, DragonFire Inc.
What Haven't You Noticed Lately? Building Awareness in Testers[presentation]

"What haven't you noticed lately?" Marshall McLuhan is said to have asked this paradoxical question-a vital one for testers, because it prompts more questions about things that testers could and should notice.

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense
The Testing Dashboard: Becoming and Information Provider[presentation]

Primary concerns for test managers are keeping the testing on schedule, meeting test objectives, making sure tests are effective, and satisfying stakeholders.

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services
What's More Important: Being Agile or Creating Value?[article]

In this video, Jonathan Kohl looks at why and for whom we develop software, what our end users and team members value, and the difference between tools and processes that create value and those that distract from it.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Performing the Software: Succeeding at Agile Development[article]

Sometimes, it's helpful to explore how people in other occupations create their products in order for us to better our own. In addition to being an experienced software tester, Chris McMahon has spent time on the road and in the studio as a professional musician. In this article, Chris takes a look at some of the things that make for a successful live concert and compares them to what it takes for an agile team to build software successfully.

Chris McMahon's picture Chris McMahon
project portfolio chart No: Such a Difficult Word[article]

When people begin to get overworked, it's common to fall back on blaming the old chestnut "time management." But the problem may have less to do with how you allocate time to projects than your inability to say no to some of those projects in the first place. In this article, Johanna Rothman takes a look at the difficulty of saying no and offers some suggestions for overcoming it.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman


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